boldness , 1JO , 4:17

boldness , 1TI , 3:13

boldness , 2CO , 7:4

boldness , AC , 4:13 ,  AC , 4:29 ,  AC , 4:31

boldness , EC , 8:1

boldness , EPH , 3:12

boldness , HEB , 10:19

boldness , PHP , 1:20

oldness , RO , 7:6



  courage 2294 # tharsos {thar'-sos}; akin (by transp.) to

thrasos (daring); boldness (subjectively): -- {courage}.[ql

 oldness 3821 # palaiotes {pal-ah-yot'-ace}; from 3820;

antiquatedness: -- {oldness}.[ql



 oldness  Interlinear Index Study

oldness ROM 007 006 But now <3570 -nuni -> we are delivered

<2673 -katargeo -> from the law <3551 -nomos -> , that being

dead <0599 -apothnesko -> wherein <3757 -hou -> we were held

<2722 -katecho -> ; that we should serve <1398 -douleuo -> in

newness <2538 -kainotes -> of spirit <4151 -pneuma -> , and not

[ in ] the {oldness} <3821 -palaiotes -> of the letter <1121 -

gramma -> .



 we may have boldness                    <1JO4  -:17 >

whom we have boldness                   <EPH3  -:12 >

with all boldness                       <PHP1  -:20 >

with all boldness they may speak thy word  <ACT4  -:29 >

* boldness , 3954 ,

- boldness , 5797 ,

* boldness , 3954 parrhesia ,



 boldness -3954 bold, boldly, {boldness}, confidence, freely,

openly, plainly, plainness, preached,



 boldness -5797 {boldness} , loud , might , mighty , power ,

strength , strong ,  



 boldness 5797 -- \oz -- {boldness}, loud, might, power,

strength, strong.

oldness 3821 ** palaiotes ** {oldness}.



 boldness ......... boldness 3954 -parrhesia->

boldness ......... is my boldness 3954 -parrhesia->

boldness ......... the boldness 3954 -parrhesia->

boldness ......... with boldness 3954 -parrhesia->

oldness ......... and not in the oldness 3821 -palaiotes->





 boldness 5797 ## <oz {oze}; or (fully) <owz {oze}; from 5810;

strength in various applications (force, security, majesty,

praise): -- {boldness}, loud, might, power, strength, strong.[ql

oldness 3821 # palaiotes {pal-ah-yot'-ace}; from 3820;

antiquatedness: -- {oldness}.[ql



 boldness 003 012 Eph                /${boldness /and access

with confidence by the faith of him .

boldness 001 020 Php                /${boldness /as always , so

now also Christ shall be magnified in my body , whether it be by

life , or by death .

boldness 004 017 IJo                /${boldness /in the day of

judgment : because as he is , so are we in this world .

boldness 003 013 ITi                /${boldness /in the faith

which is in Christ Jesus .

boldness 008 001 Ecc                /^{boldness /of his face

shall be changed .

boldness 004 013 Act                /${boldness /of Peter and

John , and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men ,

they marvelled ; and they took knowledge of them , that they had

been with Jesus .

boldness 007 004 IICo               /${boldness /of speech

toward you , great is my glorying of you : I am filled with

comfort , I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulation .

boldness 004 029 Act                /${boldness /they may speak

thy word ,

boldness 010 019 Heb                /${boldness /to enter into

the holiest by the blood of Jesus ,

oldness 007 006 Rom                 /${oldness /of the letter .



 boldness 10 -



 oldness <ROM7 -6> But now we are delivered from the law, that

being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness

of spirit, and not in] the {oldness} of the letter.

