Amphipolis Act_17_01              /${Amphipolis /and Apollonia ,

they came to Thessalonica , where was a synagogue of the Jews :

apostleship 1Co_09_02             /${apostleship /are ye in the

Lord .

apostleship Rom_01_05             /${apostleship /for obedience

to the faith among all nations , for his name :

apostleship Act_01_25             /${apostleship /from which

Judas by transgression fell , that he might go to his own place .

apostleship Gal_02_08             /${apostleship /of the

circumcision , the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles :

Archippus Phm_01_02               /${Archippus /our

fellowsoldier , and to the church in thy house :

Archippus Col_03_17               /${Archippus /Take heed to the

ministry which thou hast received in the Lord , that thou fulfil

it .

butlership Gen_40_21              /^{butlership /again ; and he

gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand :

fellowship Act_02_42              /${fellowship /and in breaking

of bread , and in prayers .

fellowship 2Co_06_14             /${fellowship /hath

righteousness with unrighteousness ? and what communion hath

light with darkness ?

fellowship Php_01_05              /${fellowship /in the gospel

from the first day until now ;

fellowship 1Jo_01_03              /${fellowship /is with the

Father , and with his Son Jesus Christ .

fellowship 1Co_01_09              /${fellowship /of his Son

Jesus Christ our Lord .

fellowship Php_03_10              /${fellowship /of his

sufferings , being made conformable unto his death ;

fellowship 2Co_08_04             /${fellowship /of the

ministering to the saints .

fellowship Eph_03_09              /${fellowship /of the mystery ,

 which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God ,

who created all things by Jesus Christ :

fellowship Php_02_01              /${fellowship /of the Spirit ,

if any bowels and mercies ,

fellowship 1Jo_01_07              /${fellowship /one with

another , and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us

from all sin .

fellowship Lev_06_02              /^{fellowship /or in a thing

taken away by violence , or hath deceived his neighbour ;

fellowship Gal_02_09              /${fellowship /that we should

go unto the heathen , and they unto the circumcision .

fellowship 1Co_10_20              /${fellowship /with devils .

fellowship 1Jo_01_06              /${fellowship /with him , and

walk in darkness , we lie , and do not the truth :

fellowship Eph_05_11              /${fellowship /with the

unfruitful works of darkness , but rather reprove them.

fellowship Psa_94_20              /^{fellowship /with thee,

which frameth mischief by a law ?

fellowship 1Jo_01_03              /${fellowship /with us : and

truly our fellowship is with the Father , and with his Son Jesus

Christ .

friendship Jam_04_04              /${friendship /of the world is

enmity with God ? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the

world is the enemy of God .

friendship Pro_22_24              /^{friendship /with an angry

man ; and with a furious man thou shalt not go :

hip Jud_15_08                     /^{hip /and thigh with a great

slaughter : and he went down and dwelt in the top of the rock

Etam .

lordship Mar_10_42                /${lordship /over them ; and

their great ones exercise authority upon them .

lordship Luk_22_25                /${lordship /over them ; and

they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors .

ship Mar_08_13                    /${ship /again departed to the

other side .

ship Act_27_41                    /${ship /aground ; and the

forepart stuck fast , and remained unmoveable , but the hinder

part was broken with the violence of the waves .

ship Act_27_17                    /${ship /and , fearing lest

they should fall into the quicksands , strake sail , and so were

driven .

ship Mat_15_39                    /${ship /and came into the

coasts of Magdala .

ship Act_27_38                    /${ship /and cast out the

wheat into the sea .

ship Jon_01_05                    /^{ship /and he lay , and was

fast asleep .

ship Joh_06_21                    /${ship /and immediately the

ship was at the land whither they went .

ship Mat_09_01                    /${ship /and passed over , and

came into his own city .

ship Luk_08_37                    /${ship /and returned back

again .

ship Act_20_13                    /${ship /and sailed unto Assos

, there intending to take in Paul : for so had he appointed ,

minding himself to go afoot .

ship Mat_13_02                    /${ship /and sat ; and the

whole multitude stood on the shore .

ship Mar_04_01                    /${ship /and sat in the sea ;

and the whole multitude was by the sea on the land .

ship Act_27_44                    /${ship /And so it came to

pass , that they escaped all safe to land .

ship Mar_06_51                    /${ship /and the wind ceased :

and they were sore amazed in themselves beyond measure , and

wondered .

ship Mat_04_22                    /${ship /and their father ,

and followed him .

ship Mar_04_36                    /${ship /And there were also

with him other little ships .

ship Act_21_06                    /${ship /and they returned

home again .

ship Joh_06_19                    /${ship /and they were afraid .

ship Mat_14_22                    /${ship /and to go before him

unto the other side , while he sent the multitudes away .

ship Mar_06_45                    /${ship /and to go to the

other side before unto Bethsaida , while he sent away the people


ship Joh_06_17                    /${ship /and went over the sea

toward Capernaum . And it was now dark , and Jesus was not come

to them .

ship Joh_21_06                    /${ship /and ye shall find .

They cast therefore , and now they were not able to draw it for

the multitude of fishes .

ship Mar_04_38                    /${ship /asleep on a pillow :

and they awake him , and say unto him , Master , carest thou not

that we perish ?

ship Eze_27_05                    /^{ship /boards of fir trees

of Senir : they have taken cedars from Lebanon to make masts for


ship Act_27_10                    /${ship /but also of our lives


ship Mat_14_33                    /${ship /came and worshipped

him , saying , Of a truth thou art the Son of God .

ship Jon_01_03                    /^{ship /going to Tarshish :

so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with

them unto Tarshish from the presence of the LORD .

ship Mar_05_18                    /${ship /he that had been

possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him .

ship Mat_14_29                    /${ship /he walked on the

water , to go to Jesus .

ship Mat_08_23                    /${ship /his disciples

followed him .

ship Joh_21_03                    /${ship /immediately ; and

that night they caught nothing .

ship Mar_05_02                    /${ship /immediately there met

him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit ,

ship Pro_30_19                    /^{ship /in the midst of the

sea ; and the way of a man with a maid .

ship Mat_14_13                    /${ship /into a desert place

apart : and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him

on foot out of the cities .

ship Jon_01_05                    /^{ship /into the sea , to

lighten it of them. But Jonah was gone down into the sides of

the ship ; and he lay , and was fast asleep .

ship Mar_01_19                    /${ship /mending their nets .

ship Act_27_11                    /${ship /more than those

things which were spoken by Paul .

ship Joh_21_08                    /${ship /not far from land ,

but as it were two hundred cubits , dragging the net with fishes


ship Act_27_02                    /${ship /of Adramyttium , we

launched , meaning to sail by the coasts of Asia ; one

Aristarchus , a Macedonian of Thessalonica , being with us .

ship Act_28_11                    /${ship /of Alexandria , which

had wintered in the isle , whose sign was Castor and Pollux .

ship Act_27_06                    /${ship /of Alexandria sailing

into Italy ; and he put us therein .

ship Isa_33_21                    /^{ship /pass thereby.

ship Mar_06_32                    /${ship /privately .

ship Act_21_02                    /${ship /sailing over unto

Phenicia , we went aboard , and set forth .

ship Mar_03_09                    /${ship /should wait on him

because of the multitude , lest they should throng him .

ship Mar_04_37                    /${ship /so that it was now

full .

ship Mar_06_54                    /${ship /straightway they knew

him ,

ship Luk_05_07                    /${ship /that they should come

and help them . And they came , and filled both the ships , so

that they began to sink .

ship Mat_14_32                    /${ship /the wind ceased .

ship Act_27_37                    /${ship /two hundred

threescore and sixteen souls .

ship Mar_05_21                    /${ship /unto the other side ,

much people gathered unto him : and he was nigh unto the sea .

ship Joh_06_21                    /${ship /was at the land

whither they went .

ship Act_27_15                    /${ship /was caught , and

could not bear up into the wind , we let her drive .

ship Mat_08_24                    /${ship /was covered with the

waves : but he was asleep .

ship Mar_06_47                    /${ship /was in the midst of

the sea , and he alone on the land .

ship Jon_01_04                    /^{ship /was like to be broken


ship Mat_14_24                    /${ship /was now in the midst

of the sea , tossed with waves : for the wind was contrary .

ship Act_21_03                    /${ship /was to unlade her

burden .

ship Act_27_30                    /${ship /when they had let

down the boat into the sea , under colour as though they would

have cast anchors out of the foreship ,

ship Mar_08_10                    /${ship /with his disciples ,

and came into the parts of Dalmanutha .

ship Luk_08_22                    /${ship /with his disciples :

and he said unto them , Let us go over unto the other side of

the lake . And they launched forth .

ship Mar_01_20                    /${ship /with the hired

servants , and went after him .

ship Mar_08_14                    /${ship /with them more than

one loaf .

ship Mat_04_21                    /${ship /with Zebedee their

father , mending their nets ; and he called them .

ship Act_27_31                    /${ship /ye cannot be saved .

Shiphi 1Ch_04_37                  /^{Shiphi /the son of Allon ,

the son of Jedaiah , the son of Shimri , the son of Shemaiah ;

Shiphrah Exo_01_15                /^{Shiphrah /and the name of

the other Puah :

shipmaster Rev_18_17              /${shipmaster /and all the

company in ships , and sailors , and as many as trade by sea ,

stood afar off ,

shipmaster Jon_01_06              /^{shipmaster /came to him,

and said unto him, What meanest thou, O sleeper ? arise , call

upon thy God , if so be that God will think upon us, that we

perish not.

shipmen Act_27_27                 /${shipmen /deemed that they

drew near to some country ;

shipmen 1Ki_09_27                 /^{shipmen /that had knowledge

of the sea , with the servants of Solomon .

shipmen Act_27_30                 /${shipmen /were about to flee

out of the ship , when they had let down the boat into the sea ,

under colour as though they would have cast anchors out of the

foreship ,

shipping Joh_06_24                /${shipping /and came to

Capernaum , seeking for Jesus .

ships Dan_11_40                   /^{ships /and he shall enter

into the countries , and shall overflow and pass over .

ships Gen_49_13                   /^{ships /and his border shall

be unto Zidon .

ships Rev_18_17                   /${ships /and sailors , and as

many as trade by sea , stood afar off ,

ships 2Ch_08_18                  /^{ships /and servants that had

knowledge of the sea ; and they went with the servants of

Solomon to Ophir , and took thence four hundred and fifty

talents of gold , and brought them to king Solomon .

ships Job_09_26                   /^{ships /as the eagle that

hasteth to the prey .

ships Jud_05_17                   /^{ships /Asher continued on

the sea shore , and abode in his breaches .

ships 1Ki_22_49                   /^{ships /But Jehoshaphat

would not.

ships Deu_28_68                   /^{ships /by the way whereof I

spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it no more again : and there ye

shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen , and

no man shall buy you.

ships 1Ki_09_26                   /^{ships /in Eziongeber ,

which is beside Eloth , on the shore of the Red sea , in the

land of Edom .

ships 2Ch_20_36                  /^{ships /in Eziongeber .

ships Rev_18_19                   /${ships /in the sea by reason

of her costliness ! for in one hour is she made desolate .

ships Dan_11_30                   /^{ships /of Chittim shall

come against him: therefore he shall be grieved , and return ,

and have indignation against the holy covenant : so shall he do ;

 he shall even return , and have intelligence with them that

forsake the holy covenant .

ships Isa_02_16                   /^{ships /of Tarshish , and

upon all pleasant pictures .

ships Isa_23_14                   /^{ships /of Tarshish : for

your strength is laid waste .

ships Isa_23_01                   /^{ships /of Tarshish ; for it

is laid waste , so that there is no house , no entering in :

from the land of Chittim it is revealed to them.

ships 2Ch_09_21                  /^{ships /of Tarshish bringing

gold , and silver , ivory , and apes , and peacocks .

ships Eze_27_25                   /^{ships /of Tarshish did sing

of thee in thy market : and thou wast replenished , and made

very glorious in the midst of the seas .

ships Isa_60_09                   /^{ships /of Tarshish first ,

to bring thy sons from far , their silver and their gold with

them, unto the name of the LORD thy God , and to the Holy One of

Israel , because he hath glorified thee.

ships Psa_48_07                   /^{ships /of Tarshish with an

east wind .

ships 1Ki_22_48                   /^{ships /of Tharshish to go

to Ophir for gold : but they went not; for the ships were broken

at Eziongeber .

ships Eze_27_09                   /^{ships /of the sea with

their mariners were in thee to occupy thy merchandise .

ships Num_24_24                   /^{ships /shall come from the

coast of Chittim , and shall afflict Asshur , and shall afflict

Eber , and he also shall perish for ever .

ships Pro_31_14                   /^{ships /she bringeth her

food from afar .

ships Luk_05_07                   /${ships /so that they began

to sink .

ships Luk_05_02                   /${ships /standing by the lake

: but the fishermen were gone out of them , and were washing

their nets .

ships Psa_107_23                   /^{ships /that do business in

great waters ;

ships Psa_104_26                   /^{ships /there is that

leviathan , whom thou hast made to play therein.

ships Eze_27_29                   /^{ships /they shall stand

upon the land ;

ships 2Ch_20_36                  /^{ships /to go to Tarshish :

and they made the ships in Eziongeber .

ships Luk_05_11                   /${ships /to land , they

forsook all , and followed him .

ships Eze_30_09                   /^{ships /to make the careless

Ethiopians afraid , and great pain shall come upon them, as in

the day of Egypt : for, lo, it cometh .

ships 2Ch_09_21                  /^{ships /went to Tarshish with

the servants of Huram : every three years once came the ships of

Tarshish bringing gold , and silver , ivory , and apes , and

peacocks .

ships 2Ch_20_37                  /^{ships /were broken , that

they were not able to go to Tarshish .

ships 1Ki_22_48                   /^{ships /were broken at

Eziongeber .

ships Rev_08_09                   /${ships /were destroyed .

ships Jam_03_04                   /${ships /which though they be

so great , and are driven of fierce winds , yet are they turned

about with a very small helm , whithersoever the governor

listeth .

ships Luk_05_03                   /${ships /which was Simon's ,

and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land .

And he sat down , and taught the people out of the ship .

shipwreck 2Co_11_25              /${shipwreck /a night and a day

I have been in the deep ;

stewardship Luk_16_02             /${stewardship /for thou

mayest be no longer steward .

stewardship Luk_16_03             /${stewardship /I cannot dig ;

to beg I am ashamed .

stewardship Luk_16_04             /${stewardship /they may

receive me into their houses .

suretiship Pro_11_15              /^{suretiship /is sure .

whip Nah_03_02                    /^{whip /and the noise of the

rattling of the wheels , and of the pransing horses , and of the

jumping chariots .

whip Pro_26_03                    /^{whip /for the horse , a

bridle for the ass , and a rod for the fool's back .

whips 2Ch_10_11                  /^{whips /but I will chastise

you with scorpions .

whips 2Ch_10_14                  /^{whips /but I will chastise

you with scorpions .

whips 1Ki_12_11                   /^{whips /but I will chastise

you with scorpions .

whips 1Ki_12_14                   /^{whips /but I will chastise

you with scorpions .

workmanship Eph_02_10             /${workmanship /created in

Christ Jesus unto good works , which God hath before ordained

that we should walk in them .

workmanship 1Ch_28_21             /^{workmanship /every willing

skilful man , for any manner of service : also the princes and

all the people will be wholly at thy commandment .

workmanship Eze_28_13             /^{workmanship /of thy tabrets

and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast

created .

workmanship 2Ki_16_10            /^{workmanship /thereof.

worship Psa_22_29                 /^{worship /all they that go

down to the dust shall bow before him: and none can keep alive

his own soul .

worship Psa_95_06                 /^{worship /and bow down : let

us kneel before the LORD our maker .

worship Gen_22_05                 /^{worship /and come again to


worship Col_02_23                 /${worship /and humility , and

neglecting of the body ; not in any honour to the satisfying of

the flesh .

worship Jos_05_14                 /^{worship /and said unto him,

What saith my lord unto his servant ?

worship Zep_01_05                 /^{worship /and that swear by

the LORD , and that swear by Malcham ;

worship 2Ki_17_36                /^{worship /and to him shall ye

do sacrifice .

worship 1Sa_01_03                 /^{worship /and to sacrifice

unto the LORD of hosts in Shiloh . And the two sons of Eli ,

Hophni and Phinehas , the priests of the LORD , were there.

worship Dan_03_28                 /^{worship /any god , except

their own God .

worship Psa_81_09                 /^{worship /any strange god .

worship Psa_132_07                 /^{worship /at his footstool .

worship Psa_99_05                 /^{worship /at his footstool ;

for he is holy .

worship Psa_99_09                 /^{worship /at his holy hill ;

for the LORD our God is holy .

worship Eze_46_03                 /^{worship /at the door of

this gate before the LORD in the sabbaths and in the new moons .

worship Joh_12_20                 /${worship /at the feast :

worship Eze_46_02                 /^{worship /at the threshold

of the gate : then he shall go forth ; but the gate shall not be

shut until the evening .

worship Isa_49_07                 /^{worship /because of the

LORD that is faithful , and the Holy One of Israel , and he

shall choose thee.

worship Isa_66_23                 /^{worship /before me, saith

the LORD .

worship 2Ch_32_12                /^{worship /before one altar ,

and burn incense upon it?

worship Rev_22_08                 /${worship /before the feet of

the angel which shewed me these things .

worship Deu_26_10                 /^{worship /before the LORD

thy God :

worship 1Ki_12_30                 /^{worship /before the one ,

even unto Dan .

worship Rev_15_04                 /${worship /before thee ; for

thy judgments are made manifest .

worship Psa_86_09                 /^{worship /before thee, O

Lord ; and shall glorify thy name .

worship Psa_22_27                 /^{worship /before thee.

worship Isa_36_07                 /^{worship /before this altar ?

worship 2Ki_18_22                /^{worship /before this altar

in Jerusalem ?

worship Rev_03_09                 /${worship /before thy feet ,

and to know that I have loved thee .

worship Rev_09_20                 /${worship /devils , and idols

of gold , and silver , and brass , and stone , and of wood :

which neither can see , nor hear , nor walk :

worship Joh_04_22                 /${worship /for salvation is

of the Jews .

worship 1Co_14_25                 /${worship /God , and report

that God is in you of a truth .

worship Rev_22_09                 /${worship /God .

worship Rev_19_10                 /${worship /God : for the

testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy .

worship Act_18_13                 /${worship /God contrary to

the law .

worship Php_03_03                 /${worship /God in the spirit ,

 and rejoice in Christ Jesus , and have no confidence in the

flesh .

worship Jer_44_19                 /^{worship /her, and pour out

drink offerings unto her, without our men ?

worship Rev_13_08                 /${worship /him , whose names

are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the

foundation of the world .

worship Heb_01_06                 /${worship /him .

worship Joh_04_23                 /${worship /him .

worship Mat_02_02                 /${worship /him .

worship Rev_19_10                 /${worship /him . And he said

unto me , See thou do it not : I am thy fellowservant , and of

thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus : worship God :

for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy .

worship Mat_02_08                 /${worship /him also .

worship Act_17_23                 /${worship /him declare I unto

you .

worship Joh_04_24                 /${worship /him in spirit and

in truth .

worship Joh_04_24                 /${worship /him must worship

him in spirit and in truth .

worship Rev_04_10                 /${worship /him that liveth

for ever and ever , and cast their crowns before the throne ,

saying ,

worship Rev_14_07                 /${worship /him that made

heaven , and earth , and the sea , and the fountains of waters .

worship Psa_97_07                 /^{worship /him, all ye gods .

worship Zep_02_11                 /^{worship /him, every one

from his place , even all the isles of the heathen .

worship Act_24_14                 /${worship /I the God of my

fathers , believing all things which are written in the law and

in the prophets :

worship Jer_26_02                 /^{worship /in the LORD'S

house , all the words that I command thee to speak unto them;

diminish not a word :

worship Luk_14_10                 /${worship /in the presence of

them that sit at meat with thee .

worship Luk_04_07                 /${worship /me , all shall be

thine .

worship Mat_15_09                 /${worship /me , teaching for

doctrines the commandments of men .

worship Mar_07_07                 /${worship /me , teaching for

doctrines the commandments of men .

worship Mat_04_09                 /${worship /me .

worship Exo_34_14                 /^{worship /no other god : for

the LORD , whose name is Jealous , is a jealous God :

worship Dan_03_15                 /^{worship /not , ye shall be

cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace ;

and who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands ?

worship Deu_30_17                 /^{worship /other gods , and

serve them;

worship Eze_46_09                 /^{worship /shall go out by

the way of the south gate ; and he that entereth by the way of

the south gate shall go forth by the way of the north gate : he

shall not return by the way of the gate whereby he came in , but

shall go forth over against it.

worship Rev_14_09                 /${worship /the beast and his

image , and receive his mark in his forehead , or in his hand ,

worship Rev_14_11                 /${worship /the beast and his

image , and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name .

worship Joh_04_21                 /${worship /the Father .

worship Joh_04_23                 /${worship /the Father in

spirit and in truth : for the Father seeketh such to worship him


worship Rev_13_12                 /${worship /the first beast ,

whose deadly wound was healed .

worship Dan_03_10                 /^{worship /the golden image :

worship Dan_03_05                 /^{worship /the golden image

that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up :

worship Dan_03_14                 /^{worship /the golden image

which I have set up?

worship Dan_03_12                 /^{worship /the golden image

which thou hast set up .

worship Dan_03_18                 /^{worship /the golden image

which thou hast set up .

worship Act_07_42                 /${worship /the host of heaven

; as it is written in the book of the prophets , O ye house of

Israel , have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by

the space of forty years in the wilderness ?

worship Zep_01_05                 /^{worship /the host of heaven

upon the housetops ; and them that worship and that swear by the

LORD , and that swear by Malcham ;

worship Rev_13_15                 /${worship /the image of the

beast should be killed .

worship Dan_03_15                 /^{worship /the image which I

have made ; well: but if ye worship not , ye shall be cast the

same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace ; and who is

that God that shall deliver you out of my hands ?

worship Zec_14_16                 /^{worship /the King , the

LORD of hosts , and to keep the feast of tabernacles .

worship Zec_14_17                 /^{worship /the King , the

LORD of hosts , even upon them shall be no rain .

worship 1Sa_15_25                 /^{worship /the LORD .

worship Jer_07_02                 /^{worship /the LORD .

worship Psa_29_02                 /^{worship /the LORD in the

beauty of holiness .

worship 1Ch_16_29                 /^{worship /the LORD in the

beauty of holiness .

worship Psa_96_09                 /^{worship /the LORD in the

beauty of holiness : fear before him, all the earth .

worship Isa_27_13                 /^{worship /the LORD in the

holy mount at Jerusalem .

worship Luk_04_08                 /${worship /the Lord thy God ,

and him only shalt thou serve .

worship Mat_04_10                 /${worship /the Lord thy God ,

and him only shalt thou serve .

worship 1Sa_15_30                 /^{worship /the LORD thy God .

worship Isa_02_08                 /^{worship /the work of their

own hands , that which their own fingers have made :

worship Mic_05_13                 /^{worship /the work of thine

hands .

worship Psa_66_04                 /^{worship /thee, and shall

sing unto thee; they shall sing to thy name . Selah .

worship Act_07_43                 /${worship /them : and I will

carry you away beyond Babylon .

worship Jer_25_06                 /^{worship /them, and provoke

me not to anger with the works of your hands ; and I will do you

no hurt .

worship Deu_04_19                 /^{worship /them, and serve

them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under

the whole heaven .

worship Deu_08_19                 /^{worship /them, I testify

against you this day that ye shall surely perish .

worship Jer_13_10                 /^{worship /them, shall even

be as this girdle , which is good for nothing.

worship 1Ki_09_06                 /^{worship /them:

worship 2Ch_07_19                /^{worship /them;

worship Deu_11_16                 /^{worship /them;

worship 2Ki_05_18                /^{worship /there, and he

leaneth on my hand , and I bow myself in the house of Rimmon :

when I bow down myself in the house of Rimmon , the LORD pardon

thy servant in this thing .

worship Rev_11_01                 /${worship /therein .

worship Psa_45_11                 /^{worship /thou him.

worship Isa_02_20                 /^{worship /to the moles and

to the bats ;

worship Psa_138_02                 /^{worship /toward thy holy

temple , and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy

truth : for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name .

worship Psa_05_07                 /^{worship /toward thy holy

temple .

worship Exo_24_01                 /^{worship /ye afar off .

worship Joh_04_22                 /${worship /ye know not what :

we know what we worship : for salvation is of the Jews .

worshipped 2Ki_17_16             /^{worshipped /all the host of

heaven , and served Baal .

worshipped 2Ch_33_03             /^{worshipped /all the host of

heaven , and served them.

worshipped 2Ki_21_03             /^{worshipped /all the host of

heaven , and served them.

worshipped 2Ch_07_03             /^{worshipped /and praised the

LORD , saying, For he is good ; for his mercy endureth for ever .

worshipped Jud_07_15              /^{worshipped /and returned

into the host of Israel , and said , Arise ; for the LORD hath

delivered into your hand the host of Midian .

worshipped Rom_01_25              /${worshipped /and served the

creature more than the Creator , who is blessed for ever . Amen .

worshipped 2Ch_29_28             /^{worshipped /and the singers

sang , and the trumpeters sounded : and all this continued until

the burnt offering was finished .

worshipped 1Ki_11_33              /^{worshipped /Ashtoreth the

goddess of the Zidonians , Chemosh the god of the Moabites , and

Milcom the god of the children of Ammon , and have not walked in

my ways , to do that which is right in mine eyes , and to keep

my statutes and my judgments , as did David his father .

worshipped 1Sa_01_19              /^{worshipped /before the LORD

, and returned , and came to their house to Ramah : and Elkanah

knew Hannah his wife ; and the LORD remembered her.

worshipped Dan_02_46              /^{worshipped /Daniel , and

commanded that they should offer an oblation and sweet odours

unto him.

worshipped Exo_33_10              /^{worshipped /every man in

his tent door .

worshipped Rev_11_16              /${worshipped /God ,

worshipped Rev_07_11              /${worshipped /God ,

worshipped 2Sa_15_32             /^{worshipped /God , behold,

Hushai the Archite came to meet him with his coat rent , and

earth upon his head :

worshipped Act_16_14              /${worshipped /God , heard us:

whose heart the Lord opened , that she attended unto the things

which were spoken of Paul .

worshipped Act_18_07              /${worshipped /God , whose

house joined hard to the synagogue .

worshipped Rev_19_04              /${worshipped /God that sat on

the throne , saying , Amen ; Alleluia .

worshipped Mar_05_06              /${worshipped /him ,

worshipped Luk_24_52              /${worshipped /him , and

returned to Jerusalem with great joy :

worshipped Mat_18_26              /${worshipped /him , saying ,

Lord , have patience with me , and I will pay thee all .

worshipped Mat_15_25              /${worshipped /him , saying ,

Lord , help me .

worshipped Mat_08_02              /${worshipped /him , saying ,

Lord , if thou wilt , thou canst make me clean .

worshipped Mat_09_18              /${worshipped /him , saying ,

My daughter is even now dead : but come and lay thy hand upon

her , and she shall live .

worshipped Mat_14_33              /${worshipped /him , saying ,

Of a truth thou art the Son of God .

worshipped Joh_09_38              /${worshipped /him .

worshipped Mat_28_09              /${worshipped /him .

worshipped Mar_15_19              /${worshipped /him .

worshipped Mat_02_11              /${worshipped /him : and when

they had opened their treasures , they presented unto him gifts ;

 gold , and frankincense , and myrrh .

worshipped Mat_28_17              /${worshipped /him : but some

doubted .

worshipped Rev_05_14              /${worshipped /him that liveth

for ever and ever .

worshipped 1Ki_22_53              /^{worshipped /him, and

provoked to anger the LORD God of Israel , according to all that

his father had done .

worshipped 1Ki_16_31              /^{worshipped /him.

worshipped Act_10_25              /${worshipped /him.

worshipped Rev_16_02              /${worshipped /his image .

worshipped Rev_19_20              /${worshipped /his image .

These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with

brimstone .

worshipped Joh_04_20              /${worshipped /in this

mountain ; and ye say , that in Jerusalem is the place where men

ought to worship .

worshipped Exo_32_08              /^{worshipped /it, and have

sacrificed thereunto, and said , These be thy gods , O Israel ,

which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt .

worshipped Heb_11_21              /${worshipped /leaning upon

the top of his staff .

worshipped Jer_22_09              /^{worshipped /other gods ,

and served them.

worshipped 2Th_02_04             /${worshipped /so that he as

God sitteth in the temple of God , shewing himself that he is

God .

worshipped Rev_20_04              /${worshipped /the beast ,

neither his image , neither had received his mark upon their

foreheads , or in their hands ; and they lived and reigned with

Christ a thousand years .

worshipped Rev_13_04              /${worshipped /the beast ,

saying , Who is like unto the beast ? who is able to make war

with him ?

worshipped Rev_13_04              /${worshipped /the dragon

which gave power unto the beast : and they worshipped the beast ,

 saying , Who is like unto the beast ? who is able to make war

with him ?

worshipped Dan_03_07              /^{worshipped /the golden

image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up .

worshipped Gen_24_48              /^{worshipped /the LORD , and

blessed the LORD God of my master Abraham , which had led me in

the right way to take my master's brother's daughter unto his

son .

worshipped 1Ch_29_20              /^{worshipped /the LORD , and

the king .

worshipped Gen_24_52              /^{worshipped /the LORD ,

bowing himself to the earth .

worshipped 1Sa_15_31              /^{worshipped /the LORD .

worshipped Gen_24_26              /^{worshipped /the LORD .

worshipped Neh_09_03              /^{worshipped /the LORD their

God .

worshipped 1Sa_01_28              /^{worshipped /the LORD there.

worshipped Neh_08_06              /^{worshipped /the LORD with

their faces to the ground .

worshipped Psa_106_19              /^{worshipped /the molten

image .

worshipped Eze_08_16              /^{worshipped /the sun toward

the east .

worshipped Jer_01_16              /^{worshipped /the works of

their own hands .

worshipped Jer_16_11              /^{worshipped /them, and have

forsaken me, and have not kept my law ;

worshipped 2Ch_07_22             /^{worshipped /them, and served

them: therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them.

worshipped 1Ki_09_09              /^{worshipped /them, and

served them: therefore hath the LORD brought upon them all this

evil .

worshipped Deu_17_03              /^{worshipped /them, either

the sun , or moon , or any of the host of heaven , which I have

not commanded ;

worshipped Deu_29_26              /^{worshipped /them, gods whom

they knew not, and whom he had not given unto them:

worshipped 2Ki_21_21             /^{worshipped /them:

worshipped 2Sa_12_20             /^{worshipped /then he came to

his own house ; and when he required , they set bread before him,

 and he did eat .

worshipped Jer_08_02              /^{worshipped /they shall not

be gathered , nor be buried ; they shall be for dung upon the

face of the earth .

worshipped Act_17_25              /${worshipped /with men's

hands , as though he needed any thing , seeing he giveth to all

life , and breath , and all things ;

worshipper Joh_09_31              /${worshipper /of God , and

doeth his will , him he heareth .

worshipper Act_19_35              /${worshipper /of the great

goddess Diana , and of the image which fell down from Jupiter ?

worshippers 2Ki_10_23            /^{worshippers /of Baal ,

Search , and look that there be here with you none of the

servants of the LORD , but the worshippers of Baal only.

worshippers 2Ki_10_19            /^{worshippers /of Baal .

worshippers 2Ki_10_22            /^{worshippers /of Baal . And

he brought them forth vestments .

worshippers 2Ki_10_21            /^{worshippers /of Baal came ,

so that there was not a man left that came not. And they came

into the house of Baal ; and the house of Baal was full from one

end to another .

worshippers 2Ki_10_23            /^{worshippers /of Baal only.

worshippers Heb_10_02             /${worshippers /once purged

should have had no more conscience of sins .

worshippers Joh_04_23             /${worshippers /shall worship

the Father in spirit and in truth : for the Father seeketh such

to worship him .

worshippeth Isa_44_17             /^{worshippeth /it, and

prayeth unto it, and saith , Deliver me; for thou art my god .

worshippeth Isa_44_15             /^{worshippeth /it; he maketh

it a graven image , and falleth down thereto.

worshippeth Dan_03_06             /^{worshippeth /shall the same

hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace .

worshippeth Dan_03_11             /^{worshippeth /that he should

be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace .

worshippeth Neh_09_06             /^{worshippeth /thee.

worshipping Mat_20_20             /${worshipping /him, and

desiring a certain thing of him .

worshipping 2Ki_19_37            /^{worshipping /in the house of

Nisroch his god , that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons smote

him with the sword : and they escaped into the land of Armenia .

And Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead.

worshipping Isa_37_38             /^{worshipping /in the house

of Nisroch his god , that Adrammelech and Sharezer his sons

smote him with the sword ; and they escaped into the land of

Armenia : and Esarhaddon his son reigned in his stead.

worshipping Col_02_18             /${worshipping /of angels ,

intruding into those things which he hath not seen , vainly

puffed up by his fleshly mind ,

worshipping 2Ch_20_18            /^{worshipping /the LORD .

