Root Words and their word stems. This helps you see all related words in the English.
~ Root Words and their word stems
1 * habitable
58 - habitation
20 - habitations
64 * hair
15 - hairs
5 - hairy
6 * halt
2 - halted
2 - halteth
1 - halting
1471 * hand
3 - handbreadth
1 - handed
9 - handful
5 - handfuls
1 - handiwork
461 - hands
1 - handwriting
45 * handmaid
1 - handmaiden
3 - handmaidens
8 - handmaids
19 * hang
30 - hanged
2 - hangeth
18 - hanging
18 - hangings
4 * happen
12 - happened
6 - happeneth
45 * hard
12 - harden
33 - hardened
4 - hardeneth
3 - harder
1 - hardhearted
8 - hardly
7 - hardness
40 * harlot
7 - harlots
30 * harp
1 - harped
2 - harpers
1 - harping
20 - harps
55 * haste
24 - hasted
8 - hasten
6 - hastened
1 - hasteneth
9 - hasteth
8 - hastily
2 - hasting
9 - hasty
87 * hate
60 - hated
3 - hateful
1 - hatefully
2 - haters
6 - hatest
31 - hateth
3 - hating
18 - hatred
1 * haughtily
4 - haughtiness
10 - haughty