Root words that start with o!
12 * obedience <rooto.wrd -obedience>
1 * observation <rooto.wrd -observation>
15 * obtain <rooto.wrd -obtain>
21 * occasion <rooto.wrd -occasion>
5 * occupation <rooto.wrd -occupation>
19 * offence <rooto.wrd -offence>
236 * offer <rooto.wrd -offer>
46 * office <rooto.wrd -office>
13 * oft <rooto.wrd -oft>
38 * olive <rooto.wrd -olive>
124 * open <rooto.wrd -open>
1 * oppose <rooto.wrd -oppose>
23 * oppress <rooto.wrd -oppress>
5 * ordain <rooto.wrd -ordain>
61 * order <rooto.wrd -order>
463 * other <rooto.wrd -other>
1164 * our <rooto.wrd -our>
3 * overcame <rooto.wrd -overcame>
13 * overflow <rooto.wrd -overflow>
35 * overlaid <rooto.wrd -overlaid>
17 * overtake <rooto.wrd -overtake>
12 * overthrew <rooto.wrd -overthrew>
4 * overturn <rooto.wrd -overturn>
1 * owe <rooto.wrd -owe>
596 * own <rooto.wrd -own>