but all these worketh <1CO12 -:11 > but faith which worketh by love for godly sorrow worketh repentance <2CO7 -:10 > he worketh signs him who worketh all things after law worketh wrath love worketh no ill man worketh not my father worketh hitherto same god which worketh all <1CO12 -:6 > so then death worketh <2CO4 -:12 > tongs both worketh which effectually worketh also <1TH2 -:13 > which worketh wicked worketh worketh abomination worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house worketh for us <2CO4 -:17 > worketh god oftentimes with man worketh good worketh is worketh it with worketh miracles among you worketh not worketh righteousness worketh righteousness worketh righteousness worketh willingly with her hands world worketh death <2CO7 -:10 > your faith worketh patience  ~~~~~~