withdrew 002 012 Gal /${withdrew /and separated
himself , fearing them which were of the circumcision .
withdrew 012 015 Mat /${withdrew /himself from
thence : and great multitudes followed him , and he healed them
all ;
withdrew 005 016 Luk /${withdrew /himself into
the wilderness , and prayed .
withdrew 003 007 Mar /${withdrew /himself with
his disciples to the sea : and a great multitude from Galilee
followed him , and from Judaea ,
withdrew 020 022 Eze /^{withdrew /mine hand , and
wrought for my name's sake, that it should not be polluted in
the sight of the heathen , in whose sight I brought them forth .
withdrew 009 029 Neh /^{withdrew /the shoulder ,
and hardened their neck , and would not hear .