weak 016 007 Jug /^{weak /and be as another man . weak 016 011 Jug /^{weak /and be as another man . weak 016 017 Jug /^{weak /and be like any other man . weak 004 009 Gal /${weak /and beggarly elements , whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage ? weak 010 010 IICo /${weak /and his speech contemptible . weak 011 029 IICo /${weak /and I am not weak ? who is offended , and I burn not ? weak 015 001 Rom /${weak /and not to please ourselves . weak 011 030 ICo /${weak /and sickly among you , and many sleep . weak 020 035 Act /${weak /and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus , how he said , It is more blessed to give than to receive . weak 013 009 IICo /${weak /and ye are strong : and this also we wish , even your perfection . weak 007 017 Eze /^{weak /as water . weak 021 007 Eze /^{weak /as water : behold, it cometh , and shall be brought to pass , saith the Lord GOD . weak 014 010 Isa /^{weak /as we? art thou become like unto us? weak 008 010 ICo /${weak /be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols ; weak 005 014 ITh /${weak /be patient toward all men. weak 009 022 ICo /${weak /became I as weak , that I might gain the weak : I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some . weak 008 011 ICo /${weak /brother perish , for whom Christ died ? weak 013 003 IICo /${weak /but is mighty in you . weak 004 010 ICo /${weak /but ye are strong ; ye are honourable , but we are despised . weak 008 012 ICo /${weak /conscience , ye sin against Christ . weak 014 002 Rom /${weak /eateth herbs . weak 013 018 Num /^{weak /few or many ; weak 015 007 IICh /^{weak /for your work shall be rewarded . weak 017 002 IISa /^{weak /handed , and will make him afraid : and all the people that are with him shall flee ; and I will smite the king only: weak 035 003 Isa /^{weak /hands , and confirm the feeble knees . weak 004 003 Job /^{weak /hands . weak 011 021 IICo /${weak /Howbeit whereinsoever any is bold , foolishly , I am bold also . weak 009 022 ICo /${weak /I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some . weak 004 019 Rom /${weak /in faith , he considered not his own body now dead , when he was about an hundred years old , neither yet the deadness of Sara's womb : weak 013 004 IICo /${weak /in him , but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you . weak 014 001 Rom /${weak /in the faith receive ye , but not to doubtful disputations . weak 008 007 ICo /${weak /is defiled . weak 016 030 Eze /^{weak /is thine heart , saith the Lord GOD , seeing thou doest all these things, the work of an imperious whorish woman ; weak 006 002 Psa /^{weak /O LORD , heal me; for my bones are vexed . weak 003 010 Joe /^{weak /say , I am strong . weak 009 022 ICo /${weak /that I might gain the weak : I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some . weak 012 010 IICo /${weak /then am I strong . weak 001 027 ICo /${weak /things of the world to confound the things which are mighty ; weak 003 039 IISa /^{weak /though anointed king ; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness . weak 109 024 Psa /^{weak /through fasting ; and my flesh faileth of fatness . weak 008 003 Rom /${weak /through the flesh , God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh , and for sin , condemned sin in the flesh : weak 011 029 IICo /${weak /who is offended , and I burn not ? weaken 014 012 Isa /^{weaken /the nations ! weakened 006 009 Neh /^{weakened /from the work , that it be not done . Now therefore, O God, strengthen my hands . weakened 102 023 Psa /^{weakened /my strength in the way ; he shortened my days . weakened 004 004 Ezr /^{weakened /the hands of the people of Judah , and troubled them in building , weakeneth 038 004 Jer /^{weakeneth /the hands of the men of war that remain in this city , and the hands of all the people , in speaking such words unto them: for this man seeketh not the welfare of this people , but the hurt . weakeneth 012 021 Job /^{weakeneth /the strength of the mighty . weaker 003 001 IISa /^{weaker /and weaker . weaker 003 007 IPe /${weaker /vessel , and as being heirs together of the grace of life ; that your prayers be not hindered . weakness 002 003 ICo /${weakness /and in fear , and in much trembling . weakness 007 018 Heb /${weakness /and unprofitableness thereof . weakness 015 043 ICo /${weakness /it is raised in power : weakness 012 009 IICo /${weakness /Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities , that the power of Christ may rest upon me . weakness 001 025 ICo /${weakness /of God is stronger than men . weakness 011 034 Heb /${weakness /were made strong , waxed valiant in fight , turned to flight the armies of the aliens . weakness 013 004 IICo /${weakness /yet he liveth by the power of God . For we also are weak in him , but we shall live with him by the power of God toward you . ~~~~~~