upside , 2KI , 21:13
upside , AC , 17:6
upside , ISA , 24:1 , ISA , 29:16
upside , PS , 146:9
an 0387 # anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of 450
(in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.e.
(by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): --
trouble, turn upside down, make {an} uproar.[ql
down 0387 # anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of
450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.
e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): --
trouble, turn upside {down}, make an uproar.[ql
make 0387 # anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of
450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.
e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): --
trouble, turn upside down, {make} an uproar.[ql
overthrow 2690 # katastrepho {kat-as-tref'-o}; from 2596 and
4762; to turn upside down, i.e. upset: -- {overthrow}.[ql
trouble 0387 # anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of
450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.
e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): --
{trouble}, turn upside down, make an uproar.[ql
turn 0387 # anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of
450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.
e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): --
trouble, {turn} upside down, make an uproar.[ql
uproar 0387 # anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of
450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.
e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): --
trouble, turn upside down, make an {uproar}.[ql
upside 0387 # anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of
450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.
e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): --
trouble, turn {upside} down, make an uproar.[ql
upside Interlinear Index Study
upside PSA 146 009 The LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > preserveth <08104
+shamar > the strangers <01616 +ger > ; he relieveth <05749
+<uwd > the fatherless <03490 +yathowm > and widow <00490
+>almanah > : but the way <01870 +derek > of the wicked <07563
+rasha< > he turneth <05791 +<avath > {upside} down .
upside ISA 024 001 . Behold <02009 +hinneh > , the LORD <03068
+Y@hovah > maketh the earth <00776 +>erets > empty <01238 +baqaq
> , and maketh it waste <01110 +balaq > , and turneth <05753
+<avah > it {upside} down , and scattereth <06327 +puwts >
abroad <06327 +puwts > the inhabitants <03427 +yashab > thereof .
upside ISA 029 016 Surely <00518 +>im > your turning <02017
+hophek > of things {upside} down shall be esteemed <02803
+chashab > as the potter s <03335 +yatsar > clay <02563 +chomer
> : for shall the work <04639 +ma<aseh > say <00559 +>amar > of
him that made <06213 +<asah > it , He made <06213 +<asah > me
not ? or shall the thing framed <03336 +yetser > say <00559
+>amar > of him that framed <03335 +yatsar > it , He had no
<03808 +lo> > understanding <00995 +biyn > ?
upside ACT 017 006 And when they found <2147 -heurisko -> them
not , they drew <4951 -suro -> Jason <2394 -Iason -> and certain
<5100 -tis -> brethren <0080 -adephos -> unto the rulers <4173 -
politarches -> of the city <4173 -politarches -> , crying <0994 -
boao -> , These <3778 -houtos -> that have turned <0387 -
anastatoo -> the world <3625 -oikoumene -> {upside} <0389 -
anastenazo -> down <0387 -anastatoo -> are come <3918 -pareimi -
> hither <1759 -enthade -> also <2532 -kai -> ;
things upside down shall be esteemed as <ISA29 -:16 >
turneth it upside down <ISA24 -:1 >
upside down <2KI21 -:13 >
wicked he turneth upside down <PSA146 -:9 >
world upside down are come hither also <ACT17 -:6 >
* upside , 0389 ,
* upside , 0389 anastenazo ,
upside -0389 deeply, sighed, {upside},
upside 2017 -- hophek -- turning of things {upside} down.
upside 5791 -- \avath -- bow self, (make) crooked., falsifying,
overthrow, dealperversely, pervert, subvert, turn {upside} down.
upside 6440 -- paniym -- + accept, a-(be-)fore(-time), against,
anger, X as (longas), at, + battle, + because (of), + beseech,
countenance, edge, + employ,endure, + enquire, face, favour,
fear of, for, forefront(-part), form(-ertime, -ward), from,
front, heaviness, X him(-self), + honourable, +impudent, + in,
it, look[-eth] (-s), X me, + meet, X more than, mouth, of,off,
(of) old (time), X on, open, + out of, over against, the partial,
person, + please, presence, propect, was purposed, by reason of,
+ regard,right forth, + serve, X shewbread, sight, state,
straight, + street, Xthee, X them(-selves), through (+ -out),
till, time(-s) past,(un-)to(-ward), + upon, {upside} (+ down),
with(-in, + -stand), X ye, Xyou.
upside 0387 ** anastatoo ** trouble, turn {upside} down, make an
upside ......... upside 0389 -anastenazo->
upside 2017 ## hophek {ho'-fek}; from 2015; an upset, i.e.
(abstract) perversity: -- turning of things {upside} down. [ql
upside 5791 ## <avath {aw-vath'}; a primitive root; to wrest: --
bow self, (make) crooked., falsifying, overthrow, deal
perversely, pervert, subvert, turn {upside} down.[ql
upside 6440 ## paniym {paw-neem'}; plural (but always as
singular) of an unused noun [paneh {paw-neh'}; from 6437]; the
face (as the part that turns); used in a great variety of
applications (literally and figuratively); also (with
prepositional prefix) as a preposition (before, etc.): -- +
accept, a-(be-)fore(-time), against, anger, X as (long as), at,
+ battle, + because (of), + beseech, countenance, edge, + employ,
endure, + enquire, face, favour, fear of, for, forefront(-part),
form(-er time, -ward), from, front, heaviness, X him(-self), +
honourable, + impudent, + in, it, look[-eth] (-s), X me, + meet,
X more than, mouth, of, off, (of) old (time), X on, open, + out
of, over against, the partial, person, + please, presence,
propect, was purposed, by reason of, + regard, right forth, +
serve, X shewbread, sight, state, straight, + street, X thee, X
them(-selves), through (+ -out), till, time(-s ) past, (un-)to(-
ward), + upon, {upside} (+ down), with(-in, + -stand), X ye, X
upside 0387 # anastatoo {an-as-tat-o'-o}; from a derivative of
450 (in the sense of removal); properly, to drive out of home, i.
e. (by implication) to disturb (literally or figuratively): --
trouble, turn {upside} down, make an uproar.[ql
upside 024 001 Isa /^{upside /down , and
scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.
upside 021 013 IIKi /^{upside /down .
upside 146 009 Psa /^{upside /down .
upside 017 006 Act /${upside /down are come
hither also ;
upside 029 016 Isa /^{upside /down shall be
esteemed as the potter's clay : for shall the work say of him
that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of
him that framed it, He had no understanding ?
upside <2KI21 -13> And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of
Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab: and I will wipe
Jerusalem as [a man] wipeth a dish, wiping [it], and turning [it]
{upside} down.
upside <PSA146 -9> The LORD preserveth the strangers; he
the fatherless and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth
{upside} down.
upside <ISA24 -1> Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and
maketh it waste, and turneth it {upside} down, and scattereth
the inhabitants thereof.
upside <ISA29 -16> Surely your turning of things {upside} down
be esteemed as the potter's clay: for shall the work say of him
made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him
framed it, He had no understanding?
upside <ACT17 -6> And when they found them not, they drew Jason
certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that
have turned the world {upside} down are come hither also;