terrify Interlinear Index Study
terrify JOB 003 005 Let darkness <02822 +choshek > and the
shadow <06757 +tsalmaveth > of death <06757 +tsalmaveth > stain
<01350 +ga>al > it ; let a cloud <06053 +<ananah > dwell <07931
+shakan > upon it ; let the blackness <03650 +kimriyr > of the
day <03117 +yowm > {terrify} <01204 +ba<ath > it .
terrify JOB 009 034 Let him take <05493 +cuwr > his rod <07626
+shebet > away <05493 +cuwr > from me , and let not his fear
<00367 +>eymah > {terrify} <01204 +ba<ath > me :
terrify JOB 031 034 Did I fear <06206 +<arats > a great <07227
+rab > multitude <01995 +hamown > , or did the contempt <00937
+buwz > of families <04940 +mishpachah > {terrify} <02865
+chathath > me , that I kept silence <01826 +damam > , [ and ]
went <03318 +yatsa> > not out of the door <06607 +pethach > ?
terrify 2CO 010 009 That I may not seem <1380 -dokeo -> as if I
would {terrify} <1629 -ekphobeo -> you by letters <1992 -
epistole -> .