sung Interlinear Index Study
sung ISA 026 001 . In that day <03117 +yowm > shall this <02088
+zeh > song <07892 +shiyr > be {sung} <07891 +shiyr > in the
land <00776 +>erets > of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah > ; We have a
strong <05797 +<oz > city <05892 +<iyr > ; salvation <03444
+y@shuw<ah > will [ God ] appoint <07896 +shiyth > [ for ] walls
<02346 +chowmah > and bulwarks <02426 +cheyl > .
sung MAT 026 030 And when they had {sung} <5214 -humneo -> an
hymn <5214 -humneo -> , they went <1831 -exerchomai -> out into
<1519 -eis -> the mount <3735 -oros -> of Olives <1636 -elaia ->
sung MAR 014 026 And when they had {sung} <5214 -humneo -> an
hymn , they went <1831 -exerchomai -> out into <1519 -eis -> the
mount <3735 -oros -> of Olives <1636 -elaia -> .
sung REV 005 009 And they {sung} <0103 -aido -> a new <2537 -
kainos -> song <5603 -oide -> , saying <3004 -lego -> , Thou art
<1488 -ei -> worthy <0514 -axios -> to take <2983 -lambano ->
the book <0975 -biblion -> , and to open <0455 -anoigo -> the
seals <4973 -sphragis -> thereof <0846 -autos -> : for thou wast
slain <4969 -sphazo -> , and hast redeemed <0059 -agorazo -> us
to God <2316 -theos -> by thy blood <0129 -haima -> out of every
<3956 -pas -> kindred <5443 -phule -> , and tongue <1100 -glossa
-> , and people <2992 -laos -> , and nation <1484 -ethnos -> ;
sung REV 014 003 And they {sung} <0103 -aido -> as it were a new
<2537 -kainos -> song <5603 -oide -> before <1799 -enopion ->
the throne <2362 -thronos -> , and before <1799 -enopion -> the
four <5064 -tessares -> beasts <2226 -zoon -> , and the elders
<4245 -presbuteros -> : and no <3762 -oudeis -> man <3762 -
oudeis -> could <1410 -dunamai -> learn <3129 -manthano -> that
song <5603 -oide -> but the hundred <1540 -hekaton -> [ and ]
forty <5062 -tessarakonta -> [ and ] four <5064 -tessares ->
thousand <5505 -chilias -> , which <3588 -ho -> were redeemed
<0059 -agorazo -> from the earth <1093 -ge -> .