a 5432 # phroureo {froo-reh'-o}; from a compound of 4253 and
3708; to be a watcher in advance, i.e. to mount guard as a
sentinel (post spies at gates); figuratively, to hem in, protect:
-- keep (with {a} garrison). Compare 5083.[ql
garrison 5432 # phroureo {froo-reh'-o}; from a compound of 4253
and 3708; to be a watcher in advance, i.e. to mount guard as a
sentinel (post spies at gates); figuratively, to hem in, protect:
-- keep (with a {garrison}). Compare 5083.[ql
keep 5432 # phroureo {froo-reh'-o}; from a compound of 4253 and
3708; to be a watcher in advance, i.e. to mount guard as a
sentinel (post spies at gates); figuratively, to hem in, protect:
-- {keep} (with a garrison). Compare 5083.[ql
with 5432 # phroureo {froo-reh'-o}; from a compound of 4253 and
3708; to be a watcher in advance, i.e. to mount guard as a
sentinel (post spies at gates); figuratively, to hem in, protect:
-- keep ({with} a garrison). Compare 5083.[ql