abiathar showed david <1SA22 -:21 > after these things jesus showed himself again angel which showed me these things as his father showed kindness unto me <2SA10 -:2 > as it was showed thee barbarous people showed us no little kindness because his father showed kindness <1CH19 -:2 > but god hath showed me but have showed you but showed first unto them came showed or spake any harm esther had not showed her people nor her kindred even as our lord jesus christ hath showed me <2PE1 -:14 > even moses showed at fashion thereof which was showed thee for he hath showed me all his heart for he hath showed me his marvellous kindness for they had showed him for ye showed kindness <1SA15 -:6 > forasmuch as god hath showed thee all this god hath showed me also thy seed god hath showed pharaoh what he goodness which he had showed unto israel hath showed no mercy have not showed them <2KI20 -:15 > have not showed them have showed among them have showed myself wise under have showed thee new things from this time have showed thy strength unto have showed you all things have showed you kindness he had showed them he had showed wonders he hath showed his people he hath showed strength with his arm he hath showed thee he showed me he showed me joshua he showed them he showed unto them he showed us how he had seen an angel his righteousness hath he openly showed his wickedness shall be showed before it hath fully been showed me jesus showed himself john showed him jonathan showed him all those things <1SA19 -:7 > lord god showed unto me lord god showed unto me lord god showed unto me lord had showed great mercy upon her lord had showed me lord had showed moses lord had showed unto david <2CH7 -:10 > lord hath showed me <2KI8 -:10 > lord hath showed me <2KI8 -:13 > lord hath showed me lord might be showed them lord our god hath showed us his glory lord showed him lord showed him all lord showed me lord showed me four carpenters lord showed signs neither showed they kindness neither would he have showed us all these next day he showed himself unto them as they strove on this wise showed he shall be showed unto she showed her mother should be showed showed before him my trouble showed david all <2SA11 -:22 > showed her husband showed her kindred nor her people showed him mercy showed him openly showed his lord these things showed it <1CO10 -:28 > showed me showed mercy on him showed their deeds showed them showed them showed them showed them all <2KI20 -:13 > showed them my judgments showed unto showed unto him all showed you from my father they have slain them which showed before they showed his signs among them they showed sisera thou hast not showed <1KI1 -:27 > thou hast showed great mercy unto david my father <2CH1 -:8 > thou hast showed more kindness thou hast showed these things thou hast showed this day how <1SA24 -:18 > thou hast showed thy people hard things thou hast showed unto thy servant david my father great mercy <1KI3 -:6 > thus he showed me upon earth he showed thee his great fire when he showed when he showed them which god before had showed by which hast showed me great which hath showed us light which thou hast showed unto me which thou hast showed unto thy servant which was showed thee which ye have showed toward his name whom also he showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs ye have showed this kindness unto your lord <2SA2 -:5 >  ~~~~~~