-Hiericho- ......... from Jericho 2410 -Hiericho- > -Hiericho- ......... Jericho 2410 -Hiericho- > -Hiericho- ......... of Jericho 2410 -Hiericho- > -Hiericho- ......... out of Jericho 2410 -Hiericho- > -Hiericho- ......... to Jericho 2410 -Hiericho- > -Hiericho- ......... unto Jericho 2410 -Hiericho- > -perichoros- ......... about 4066 -perichoros- > -perichoros- ......... and unto the region 4066 -perichoros- > -perichoros- ......... of the country 4066 -perichoros- > -perichoros- ......... region 4066 -perichoros- > -perichoros- ......... round 4066 -perichoros- > -perichoros- ......... that country 4066 -perichoros- > -perichoros- ......... that lieth round 4066 -perichoros- > -perichoros- ......... the country 4066 -perichoros- > -perichoros- ......... the region 4066 -perichoros- > -trichinos- ......... of hair 5155 -trichinos- > enriched ......... Being enriched 4148 -ploutizo-> enriched ......... thing ye are enriched 4148 -ploutizo-> Jericho ......... from Jericho 2410 -Hiericho-> Jericho ......... Jericho 2410 -Hiericho-> Jericho ......... of Jericho 2410 -Hiericho-> Jericho ......... out of Jericho 2410 -Hiericho-> Jericho ......... to Jericho 2410 -Hiericho-> Jericho ......... unto Jericho 2410 -Hiericho-> rich ......... a rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... and he was rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... and is not rich 4147 -plouteo-> rich ......... be rich 4147 -plouteo-> rich ......... But the rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... Do not rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... for a rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... from the rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... is rich 4147 -plouteo-> rich ......... men , and the rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... might be rich 4147 -plouteo-> rich ......... rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... rich 4147 -plouteo-> rich ......... rich 4148 -ploutizo-> rich ......... shall the rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... that , though he was rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... that they be rich 4147 -plouteo-> rich ......... that thou mayest be rich 4147 -plouteo-> rich ......... that were rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... the rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... them that are rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... things ; and the rich 4147 -plouteo-> rich ......... thy rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... unto you , That a rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... unto you that are rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... who is rich 4145 -plousios-> rich ......... ye are rich 4147 -plouteo-> rich ......... ye rich 4145 -plousios-> riches ......... and riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... in riches 5536 -chrema-> riches ......... is the riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... of riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... of the riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... of them be the riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... of them the riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... riches 5536 -chrema-> riches ......... riches ? riches ......... the riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... thou the riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... to his riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... to the riches 4149 -ploutos-> riches ......... unto the riches 4149 -ploutos-> richly ......... in you richly 4146 -plousios-> richly ......... us richly 4146 -plousios-> ~~~~~~