restrain 0662 ## >aphaq {aw-fak'}; a primitive root; to contain, i.e. (reflex.) abstain: -- force (oneself), {restrain}. [ql restrain 1219 ## batsar {baw-tsar'}; a primitive root; to clip off; specifically (as denominative from 1210) to gather grapes; also to be isolated (i.e. inaccessible by height or fortification): -- cut off, (de-)fenced, fortify, (grape) gather(-er), mighty things, {restrain}, strong, wall (up), withhold. [ql restrain 1639 ## gara< {gaw-rah'}; a primitive root; to scrape off; by implication, to shave, remove, lessen, withhold: -- abate, clip, (di-)minish, do (take) away, keep back, {restrain}, make small, withdraw. [ql restrain 2296 ## chagar {khaw-gar'}; a primitive root; to gird on (as a belt, armor, etc.): -- be able to put on, be afraid, appointed, gird, {restrain}, X on every side. [ql restrain 3543 ## kahah {kaw-haw'}; a primitive root; to be weak, i.e restrain 3607 ## kala> {kaw-law'}; a primitive root; to restrict, by act (hold back or in) or word (prohibit): -- finish, forbid, keep (back), refrain, {restrain}, retain, shut up, be stayed, withhold [ql restrain 4513 ## mana< {maw-nah'}; a primitive root; to debar (negatively or positively) from benefit or injury: -- deny, keep (back), refrain, {restrain}, withhold.[ql restrain 6113 ##