Rephidim Interlinear Index Study Rephidim EXO 017 001 . And all <03605 +kol > the congregation <05712 + of the children <01121 +ben > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > journeyed <05265 +naca< > from the wilderness <04057 +midbar > of Sin <05512 +Ciyn > , after their journeys <04550 +macca< > , according <05921 + to the commandment <06310 +peh > of the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > , and pitched <02583 +chanah > in {Rephidim} <07508 +R@phiydiym > : and [ there was ] no <00369 +>ayin > water <04325 +mayim > for the people <05971 + to drink <08354 +shathah > . Rephidim EXO 017 008 . Then came <00935 +bow> > Amalek <06002 + , and fought <03898 +lacham > with Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > in {Rephidim} <07508 +R@phiydiym > . Rephidim EXO 019 002 For they were departed <05265 +naca< > from {Rephidim} <07508 +R@phiydiym > , and were come <00935 +bow> > [ to ] the desert <04057 +midbar > of Sinai <05514 +Ciynay > , and had pitched <02583 +chanah > in the wilderness <04057 +midbar > ; and there <08033 +sham > Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > camped <02583 +chanah > before <05048 +neged > the mount <02022 +har > . Rephidim NUM 033 014 And they removed <05265 +naca< > from Alush <00442 +>Aluwsh > , and encamped <02583 +chanah > at {Rephidim} <07508 +R@phiydiym > , where <08033 +sham > was no <03808 +lo> > water <04325 +mayim > for the people <05971 + to drink <08354 +shathah > . Rephidim NUM 033 015 And they departed <05265 +naca< > from {Rephidim} <07508 +R@phiydiym > , and pitched <02583 +chanah > in the wilderness <04057 +midbar > of Sinai <05514 +Ciynay > . ~~~~~~