nature Interlinear Index Study nature ROM 001 026 For this <5124 -touto -> cause <1223 -dia -> God <2316 -theos -> gave <3860 -paradidomi -> them up unto vile <0819 -atimia -> affections <3806 -pathos -> : for even <5037 - te -> their women <2338 -thelus -> did change <3337 -metallasso - > the natural <5446 -phusikos -> use <5540 -chresis -> into <1519 -eis -> that which is against <3844 -para -> {nature} <5449 -phusis -> : nature ROM 002 014 For when <3752 -hotan -> the Gentiles <1484 - ethnos -> , which <3588 -ho -> have <2192 -echo -> not the law <3551 -nomos -> , do <4160 -poieo -> by {nature} <5449 -phusis - > the things contained in the law <3551 -nomos -> , these <3778 - houtos -> , having <2192 -echo -> not the law <3551 -nomos -> , are a law <3551 -nomos -> unto themselves <1438 -heautou -> : nature ROM 002 027 And shall not uncircumcision <0203 - akrobustia -> which is by {nature} <5449 -phusis -> , if it fulfil <5055 -teleo -> the law <3551 -nomos -> , judge <2919 - krino -> thee , who <3588 -ho -> by the letter <1121 -gramma -> and circumcision <4061 -peritome -> dost transgress <3848 - parabates -> the law <3551 -nomos -> ? nature ROM 011 024 For if <1487 -ei -> thou wert cut <1581 - ekkopto -> out of the olive <0065 -agrielaios -> tree <0065 - agrielaios -> which is wild <0065 -agrielaios -> by nature <5449 -phusis -> , and wert graffed <1461 -egkentrizo -> contrary <3844 -para -> to {nature} <5449 -phusis -> into <1519 -eis -> a good <2565 -kallielaios -> olive <2565 -kallielaios -> tree <2565 -kallielaios -> : how <4214 -posos -> much <4124 - pleonexia -> more <3123 -mallon -> shall these <3778 -houtos -> , which be the natural <5449 -phusis -> [ branches ] , be graffed <1461 -egkentrizo -> into their own <2398 -idios -> olive <1636 - elaia -> tree ? nature ROM 011 024 For if <1487 -ei -> thou wert cut <1581 - ekkopto -> out of the olive <0065 -agrielaios -> tree <0065 - agrielaios -> which is wild <0065 -agrielaios -> by {nature} <5449 -phusis -> , and wert graffed <1461 -egkentrizo -> contrary <3844 -para -> to nature <5449 -phusis -> into <1519 - eis -> a good <2565 -kallielaios -> olive <2565 -kallielaios -> tree <2565 -kallielaios -> : how <4214 -posos -> much <4124 - pleonexia -> more <3123 -mallon -> shall these <3778 -houtos -> , which be the natural <5449 -phusis -> [ branches ] , be graffed <1461 -egkentrizo -> into their own <2398 -idios -> olive <1636 - elaia -> tree ? nature 1CO 011 014 Doth not even <3761 -oude -> {nature} <5449 - phusis -> itself <0846 -autos -> teach <1321 -didasko -> you , that , if <1437 -ean -> a man <0435 -aner -> have long <2863 - komao -> hair <2863 -komao -> , it is a shame <0819 -atimia -> unto him ? nature GAL 002 015 We [ who are ] Jews <2453 -Ioudaios -> by {nature} <5449 -phusis -> , and not sinners <0268 -hamartolos -> of the Gentiles <1484 -ethnos -> , nature GAL 004 008 . Howbeit <0235 -alla -> then <5119 -tote -> , when ye knew <1492 -eido -> not God <2316 -theos -> , ye did service <1398 -douleuo -> unto them which by {nature} <5449 - phusis -> are no <3361 -me -> gods <2316 -theos -> . nature EPH 002 003 Among <1722 -en -> whom <3739 -hos -> also <2532 -kai -> we all <3956 -pas -> had our conversation <0390 - anastrepho -> in times <4218 -pote -> past in the lusts <1939 - epithumia -> of our flesh <4561 -sarx -> , fulfilling <4160 - poieo -> the desires <2307 -thelema -> of the flesh <4561 -sarx - > and of the mind <1271 -dianoia -> ; and were by {nature} <5449 -phusis -> the children <5043 -teknon -> of wrath <3709 -orge -> , even <2532 -kai -> as others <3062 -loipoy -> . nature HEB 002 016 For verily <1222 -depou -> he took <1949 - epilambanomai -> not on <1949 -epilambanomai -> [ him the {nature} of ] angels <0032 -aggelos -> ; but he took <1949 - epilambanomai -> on <1949 -epilambanomai -> [ him ] the seed <4690 -sperma -> of Abraham <11> . nature JAS 003 006 And the tongue <1100 -glossa -> [ is ] a fire <4442 -pur -> , a world <2889 -kosmos -> of iniquity <0093 - adikia -> : so <3779 -houto -> is the tongue <1100 -glossa -> among <1722 -en -> our members <3196 -melos -> , that it defileth <4695 -spiloo -> the whole <3650 -holos -> body <4983 - soma -> , and setteth <5394 -phlogizo -> on fire <5394 -phlogizo -> the course <5164 -trochos -> of {nature} <1078 -genesis -> ; and it is set <5394 -phlogizo -> on fire <5394 -phlogizo -> of hell <1067 -geena -> . nature 2PE 001 004 Whereby <3739 -hos -> are given <1433 - doreomai -> unto us exceeding great <3176 -megistos -> and precious <5093 -timios -> promises <1862 -epaggelma -> : that by these <5130 -touton -> ye might be partakers <2844 -koinonos -> of the divine <2304 -theios -> {nature} <5449 -phusis -> , having escaped <0668 -apopheugo -> the corruption <5356 -phthora -> that is in the world <2889 -kosmos -> through <1722 -en -> lust <1939 -epithumia -> . ~~~~~~