grandmother ......... in thy grandmother 3125 -mamme-> mother ......... and his mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... And his mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... and his mother s 3384 -meter-> mother ......... and mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... and the mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... and thy mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... from his mother s 3384 -meter-> mother ......... from their mother s 3384 -meter-> mother ......... he , and his mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... her mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... her mother 3994 -penthera-> mother ......... him to his mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... his mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... His mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... his mother s 3384 -meter-> mother ......... is my mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... is not his mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... is the mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... it to her mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... me from my mother s 3384 -meter-> mother ......... mother 0282 -ametor-> mother ......... mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... mother 3994 -penthera-> mother ......... my mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... of her mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... of his mother 3384 -meter-> MOTHER ......... THE MOTHER 3384 -meter-> mother ......... the mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... the mother 3994 -penthera-> mother ......... the mother of James 2385 -Iakobos-> mother ......... the mother of Joses 2500 -Ioses-> mother ......... Thy mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... thy mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... to him his mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... to him the mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... to me , that the mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... unto her mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... unto his mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... unto them , My mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... unto them : but his mother 3384 -meter-> mother ......... When as his mother 3384 -meter-> mothers ......... and mothers 3384 -meter-> mothers ......... of mothers 3389 -metraloias-> mothers ......... women as mothers 3384 -meter-> ~~~~~~