Jew Act_19_34 /${Jew /all with one voice
about the space of two hours cried out , Great is Diana of the
Ephesians .
Jew Act_19_14 /${Jew /and chief of the
priests , which did so .
Jew Est_09_31 /^{Jew /and Esther the queen
had enjoined them, and as they had decreed for themselves and
for their seed , the matters of the fastings and their cry .
Jew Rom_02_17 /${Jew /and restest in the law
, and makest thy boast of God ,
Jew Rom_10_12 /${Jew /and the Greek : for
the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him .
Jew Joh_04_09 /${Jew /askest drink of me ,
which am a woman of Samaria ? for the Jews have no dealings with
the Samaritans .
Jew Est_08_07 /^{Jew /Behold, I have given
Esther the house of Haman , and him they have hanged upon the
gallows , because he laid his hand upon the Jews .
Jew Act_22_03 /${Jew /born in Tarsus , a
city in Cilicia , yet brought up in this city at the feet of
Gamaliel , and taught according to the perfect manner of the law
of the fathers , and was zealous toward God , as ye all are this
day .
Jew Col_03_11 /${Jew /circumcision nor
uncircumcision , Barbarian , Scythian , bond nor free : but
Christ is all , and in all .
Jew Rom_02_09 /${Jew /first , and also of
the Gentile ;
Jew Rom_02_10 /${Jew /first , and also to
the Gentile :
Jew Rom_01_16 /${Jew /first , and also to
the Greek .
Jew Jer_34_09 /^{Jew /his brother .
Jew Gal_02_14 /${Jew /livest after the
manner of Gentiles , and not as do the Jews , why compellest
thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews ?
Jew Act_18_24 /${Jew /named Apollos , born
at Alexandria , an eloquent man , and mighty in the scriptures ,
came to Ephesus .
Jew Act_18_02 /${Jew /named Aquila , born in
Pontus , lately come from Italy , with his wife Priscilla ; all
Jews to depart from Rome : and came unto them .
Jew Gal_03_28 /${Jew /nor Greek , there is
neither bond nor free , there is neither male nor female : for
ye are all one in Christ Jesus .
Jew Act_21_39 /${Jew /of Tarsus , a city in
Cilicia , a citizen of no mean city : and , I beseech thee ,
suffer me to speak unto the people .
Jew Rom_03_01 /${Jew /or what profit is
there of circumcision ?
Jew Zec_08_23 /^{Jew /saying , We will go
with you: for we have heard that God is with you.
Jew Est_05_13 /^{Jew /sitting at the king's
gate .
Jew 1Co_09_20 /${Jew /that I might gain the
Jews ; to them that are under the law , as under the law , that
I might gain them that are under the law ;
Jew Est_06_10 /^{Jew /that sitteth at the
king's gate : let nothing fail of all that thou hast spoken .
Jew Joh_18_35 /${Jew /Thine own nation and
the chief priests have delivered thee unto me : what hast thou
done ?
Jew Act_10_28 /${Jew /to keep company , or
come unto one of another nation ; but God hath shewed me that I
should not call any man common or unclean .
Jew Est_10_03 /^{Jew /was next unto king
Ahasuerus , and great among the Jews , and accepted of the
multitude of his brethren , seeking the wealth of his people ,
and speaking peace to all his seed .
Jew Rom_02_29 /${Jew /which is one inwardly ;
and circumcision is that of the heart , in the spirit , and not
in the letter ; whose praise is not of men , but of God .
Jew Rom_02_28 /${Jew /which is one outwardly
; neither is that circumcision , which is outward in the flesh :
Jew Act_13_06 /${Jew /whose name was
Barjesus :
Jew Est_02_05 /^{Jew /whose name was
Mordecai , the son of Jair , the son of Shimei , the son of Kish
, a Benjamite ;
Jew Est_09_29 /^{Jew /wrote with all
authority , to confirm this second letter of Purim .
jewel Pro_11_22 /^{jewel /of gold in a swine's
snout , so is a fair woman which is without discretion .
jewel Eze_16_12 /^{jewel /on thy forehead ,
and earrings in thine ears , and a beautiful crown upon thine
head .
jewels Mal_03_17 /^{jewels /and I will spare
them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
jewels Eze_16_39 /^{jewels /and leave thee
naked and bare .
jewels Hos_02_13 /^{jewels /and she went after
her lovers , and forgat me, saith the LORD .
jewels Job_28_17 /^{jewels /of fine gold .
jewels Gen_24_53 /^{jewels /of gold , and
raiment , and gave them to Rebekah : he gave also to her brother
and to her mother precious things .
jewels Exo_12_35 /^{jewels /of gold , and
raiment :
jewels Exo_03_22 /^{jewels /of gold , and
raiment : and ye shall put them upon your sons , and upon your
daughters ; and ye shall spoil the Egyptians .
jewels Num_31_50 /^{jewels /of gold , chains ,
and bracelets , rings , earrings , and tablets , to make an
atonement for our souls before the LORD .
jewels 1Sa_06_08 /^{jewels /of gold , which ye
return him for a trespass offering , in a coffer by the side
thereof; and send it away , that it may go .
jewels Exo_11_02 /^{jewels /of gold .
jewels Exo_35_22 /^{jewels /of gold : and every
man that offered offered an offering of gold unto the LORD .
jewels 1Sa_06_15 /^{jewels /of gold were, and
put them on the great stone : and the men of Bethshemesh offered
burnt offerings and sacrificed sacrifices the same day unto the
jewels Eze_16_17 /^{jewels /of my gold and of
my silver , which I had given thee, and madest to thyself images
of men , and didst commit whoredom with them,
jewels Gen_24_53 /^{jewels /of silver , and
jewels of gold , and raiment , and gave them to Rebekah : he
gave also to her brother and to her mother precious things .
jewels Exo_12_35 /^{jewels /of silver , and
jewels of gold , and raiment :
jewels Exo_03_22 /^{jewels /of silver , and
jewels of gold , and raiment : and ye shall put them upon your
sons , and upon your daughters ; and ye shall spoil the
Egyptians .
jewels Exo_11_02 /^{jewels /of silver , and
jewels of gold .
jewels Son_07_01 /^{jewels /the work of the
hands of a cunning workman .
jewels Son_01_10 /^{jewels /thy neck with
chains of gold.
jewels 2Ch_20_25 /^{jewels /which they stripped
off for themselves, more than they could carry away : and they
were three days in gathering of the spoil , it was so much .
Jewess Act_16_01 /${Jewess /and believed ; but
his father was a Greek :
Jewess Act_24_24 /${Jewess /he sent for Paul ,
and heard him concerning the faith in Christ .
Jewish Tit_01_14 /${Jewish /fables , and
commandments of men , that turn from the truth .
Jewry Joh_07_01 /${Jewry /because the Jews
sought to kill him .
Jewry Luk_23_05 /${Jewry /beginning from
Galilee to this place .
Jews Act_25_09 /${Jews /a pleasure , answered
Paul , and said , Wilt thou go up to Jerusalem , and there be
judged of these things before me ?
Jews Act_24_27 /${Jews /a pleasure , left
Paul bound .
Jews 1Co_01_23 /${Jews /a stumblingblock ,
and unto the Greeks foolishness ;
Jews Joh_03_25 /${Jews /about purifying .
Jews Est_08_09 /^{Jews /according to their
writing , and according to their language .
Jews Act_24_09 /${Jews /also assented ,
saying that these things were so .
Jews Joh_11_33 /${Jews /also weeping which
came with her , he groaned in the spirit , and was troubled ,
Jews Joh_18_20 /${Jews /always resort ; and
in secret have I said nothing .
Jews Joh_07_35 /${Jews /among themselves ,
Whither will he go , that we shall not find him ? will he go
unto the dispersed among the Gentiles , and teach the Gentiles ?
Jews Est_10_03 /^{Jews /and accepted of the
multitude of his brethren , seeking the wealth of his people ,
and speaking peace to all his seed .
Jews Act_14_01 /${Jews /and also of the
Greeks believed .
Jews Act_20_21 /${Jews /and also to the
Greeks , repentance toward God , and faith toward our Lord Jesus
Christ .
Jews Rev_02_09 /${Jews /and are not , but are
the synagogue of Satan .
Jews Rev_03_09 /${Jews /and are not , but do
lie ; behold , I will make them to come and worship before thy
feet , and to know that I have loved thee .
Jews Est_04_03 /^{Jews /and fasting , and
weeping , and wailing ; and many lay in sackcloth and ashes .
Jews Rom_03_09 /${Jews /and Gentiles , that
they are all under sin ;
Jews 1Co_01_24 /${Jews /and Greeks , Christ
the power of God , and the wisdom of God .
Jews Act_19_10 /${Jews /and Greeks .
Jews Act_19_17 /${Jews /and Greeks also
dwelling at Ephesus ; and fear fell on them all , and the name
of the Lord Jesus was magnified .
Jews Luk_23_03 /${Jews /And he answered him
and said , Thou sayest it.
Jews Mar_15_02 /${Jews /And he answering said
unto him , Thou sayest it.
Jews Act_10_39 /${Jews /and in Jerusalem ;
whom they slew and hanged on a tree :
Jews Mat_27_11 /${Jews /And Jesus said unto
him , Thou sayest .
Jews Joh_05_01 /${Jews /and Jesus went up to
Jerusalem .
Jews Ezr_04_23 /^{Jews /and made them to
cease by force and power .
Jews Act_14_04 /${Jews /and part with the
apostles .
Jews Act_02_10 /${Jews /and proselytes ,
Jews Act_13_43 /${Jews /and religious
proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas : who , speaking to them ,
persuaded them to continue in the grace of God .
Jews Neh_05_17 /^{Jews /and rulers , beside
those that came unto us from among the heathen that are about us
Jews Joh_08_48 /${Jews /and said unto him ,
Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan , and hast a devil ?
Jews Joh_02_18 /${Jews /and said unto him ,
What sign shewest thou unto us , seeing that thou doest these
things ?
Jews Joh_18_38 /${Jews /and saith unto them ,
I find in him no fault at all.
Jews Act_23_27 /${Jews /and should have been
killed of them : then came I with an army , and rescued him ,
having understood that he was a Roman .
Jews Act_14_01 /${Jews /and so spake , that a
great multitude both of the Jews and also of the Greeks believed
Jews Act_18_28 /${Jews /and that publickly ,
shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ .
Jews 2Ki_25_25 /^{Jews /and the Chaldees that
were with him at Mizpah .
Jews Ezr_06_07 /^{Jews /and the elders of the
Jews build this house of God in his place .
Jews Act_18_04 /${Jews /and the Greeks .
Jews Act_13_05 /${Jews /and they had also
John to their minister .
Jews Joh_19_03 /${Jews /and they smote him
with their hands .
Jews Jer_52_28 /^{Jews /and three and twenty :
Jews Est_08_09 /^{Jews /and to the
lieutenants , and the deputies and rulers of the provinces which
are from India unto Ethiopia , an hundred twenty and seven
provinces , unto every province according to the writing thereof,
and unto every people after their language , and to the Jews
according to their writing , and according to their language .
Jews Act_17_17 /${Jews /and with the devout
persons , and in the market daily with them that met with him .
Jews Joh_10_33 /${Jews /answered him , saying
, For a good work we stone thee not ; but for blasphemy ; and
because that thou , being a man , makest thyself God .
Jews Joh_19_07 /${Jews /answered him , We
have a law , and by our law he ought to die , because he made
himself the Son of God .
Jews Est_08_08 /^{Jews /as it liketh you , in
the king's name , and seal it with the king's ring : for the
writing which is written in the king's name , and sealed with
the king's ring , may no man reverse .
Jews Act_21_11 /${Jews /at Jerusalem bind the
man that owneth this girdle , and shall deliver him into the
hands of the Gentiles .
Jews Act_23_12 /${Jews /banded together , and
bound themselves under a curse , saying that they would neither
eat nor drink till they had killed Paul .
Jews Est_09_03 /^{Jews /because the fear of
Mordecai fell upon them.
Jews Est_06_13 /^{Jews /before whom thou hast
begun to fall , thou shalt not prevail against him, but shalt
surely fall before him.
Jews Joh_11_36 /${Jews /Behold how he loved
him !
Jews Joh_19_14 /${Jews /Behold your King !
Jews Luk_07_03 /${Jews /beseeching him that
he would come and heal his servant .
Jews Joh_19_38 /${Jews /besought Pilate that
he might take away the body of Jesus : and Pilate gave him leave
. He came therefore , and took the body of Jesus .
Jews Est_03_13 /^{Jews /both young and old ,
little children and women , in one day , even upon the
thirteenth day of the twelfth month , which is the month Adar ,
and to take the spoil of them for a prey .
Jews Ezr_06_07 /^{Jews /build this house of
God in his place .
Jews Ezr_06_14 /^{Jews /builded , and they
prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and
Zechariah the son of Iddo . And they builded , and finished it,
according to the commandment of the God of Israel , and
according to the commandment of Cyrus , and Darius , and
Artaxerxes king of Persia .
Jews Joh_18_36 /${Jews /but now is my kingdom
not from hence .
Jews Joh_19_21 /${Jews /but that he said , I
am King of the Jews .
Jews Joh_11_54 /${Jews /but went thence unto
a country near to the wilderness , into a city called Ephraim ,
and there continued with his disciples .
Jews Gal_02_15 /${Jews /by nature , and not
sinners of the Gentiles ,
Jews Joh_20_19 /${Jews /came Jesus and stood
in the midst , and saith unto them , Peace be unto you .
Jews Joh_11_19 /${Jews /came to Martha and
Mary , to comfort them concerning their brother .
Jews Act_26_21 /${Jews /caught me in the
temple , and went about to kill me.
Jews Joh_02_06 /${Jews /containing two or
three firkins apiece .
Jews Joh_19_12 /${Jews /cried out , saying ,
If thou let this man go , thou art not Caesar's friend :
whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar .
Jews Act_28_29 /${Jews /departed , and had
great reasoning among themselves .
Jews Act_02_05 /${Jews /devout men , out of
every nation under heaven .
Jews Joh_09_18 /${Jews /did not believe
concerning him , that he had been blind , and received his sight
, until they called the parents of him that had received his
sight .
Jews Gal_02_13 /${Jews /dissembled likewise
with him ; insomuch that Barnabas also was carried away with
their dissimulation .
Jews Act_16_20 /${Jews /do exceedingly
trouble our city ,
Jews Est_03_10 /^{Jews /enemy .
Jews Est_08_01 /^{Jews /enemy unto Esther the
queen . And Mordecai came before the king ; for Esther had told
what he was unto her.
Jews Mar_07_03 /${Jews /except they wash
their hands oft , eat not , holding the tradition of the elders .
Jews Act_19_13 /${Jews /exorcists , took upon
them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the
Lord Jesus , saying , We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth
Jews Joh_07_02 /${Jews /feast of tabernacles
was at hand .
Jews Est_08_17 /^{Jews /fell upon them.
Jews 2Co_11_24 /${Jews /five times received I
forty stripes save one .
Jews Ezr_06_08 /^{Jews /for the building of
this house of God : that of the king's goods , even of the
tribute beyond the river , forthwith expenses be given unto
these men , that they be not hindered .
Jews Est_08_17 /^{Jews /for the fear of the
Jews fell upon them.
Jews Joh_09_22 /${Jews /for the Jews had
agreed already , that if any man did confess that he was Christ ,
he should be put out of the synagogue .
Jews Joh_19_20 /${Jews /for the place where
Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city : and it was written in
Hebrew , and Greek , and Latin .
Jews Joh_10_19 /${Jews /for these sayings .
Jews Mat_02_02 /${Jews /for we have seen his
star in the east , and are come to worship him .
Jews Joh_02_20 /${Jews /Forty and six years
was this temple in building , and wilt thou rear it up in three
days ?
Jews Est_04_14 /^{Jews /from another place ;
but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed : and who
knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as
Jews Act_14_19 /${Jews /from Antioch and
Iconium , who persuaded the people , and , having stoned Paul ,
drew him out of the city , supposing he had been dead .
Jews Act_24_18 /${Jews /from Asia found me
purified in the temple , neither with multitude , nor with
tumult .
Jews 2Ki_16_06 /^{Jews /from Elath : and the
Syrians came to Elath , and dwelt there unto this day .
Jews Est_09_02 /^{Jews /gathered themselves
together in their cities throughout all the provinces of the
king Ahasuerus , to lay hand on such as sought their hurt : and
no man could withstand them ; for the fear of them fell upon all
people .
Jews Joh_09_22 /${Jews /had agreed already ,
that if any man did confess that he was Christ , he should be
put out of the synagogue .
Jews Est_09_24 /^{Jews /had devised against
the Jews to destroy them, and had cast Pur , that is, the lot ,
to consume them, and to destroy them;
Jews Est_08_17 /^{Jews /had joy and gladness ,
a feast and a good day . And many of the people of the land
became Jews ; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them.
Jews Est_08_16 /^{Jews /had light , and
gladness , and joy , and honour .
Jews Est_09_01 /^{Jews /had rule over them
that hated them;
Jews Act_23_20 /${Jews /have agreed to desire
thee that thou wouldest bring down Paul to morrow into the
council , as though they would enquire somewhat of him more
perfectly .
Jews Act_25_24 /${Jews /have dealt with me ,
both at Jerusalem , and also here , crying that he ought not to
live any longer .
Jews Act_25_10 /${Jews /have I done no wrong ,
as thou very well knowest .
Jews Joh_04_09 /${Jews /have no dealings with
the Samaritans .
Jews Est_09_12 /^{Jews /have slain and
destroyed five hundred men in Shushan the palace , and the ten
sons of Haman ; what have they done in the rest of the king's
provinces ? now what is thy petition ? and it shall be granted
thee: or what is thy request further ? and it shall be done .
Jews Act_22_30 /${Jews /he loosed him from
his bands , and commanded the chief priests and all their
council to appear , and brought Paul down , and set him before
them .
Jews Act_12_03 /${Jews /he proceeded further
to take Peter also . the days of unleavened bread .
Jews Est_09_01 /^{Jews /hoped to have power
over them, to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them
that hated them;
Jews 1Co_09_20 /${Jews /I became as a Jew ,
that I might gain the Jews ; to them that are under the law , as
under the law , that I might gain them that are under the law ;
Jews Act_18_14 /${Jews /If it were a matter
of wrong or wicked lewdness , O ye Jews , reason would that I
should bear with you :
Jews Act_25_02 /${Jews /informed him against
Paul , and besought him ,
Jews Act_25_15 /${Jews /informed me, desiring
to have judgment against him .
Jews Joh_19_40 /${Jews /is to bury .
Jews Act_20_03 /${Jews /laid wait for him ,
as he was about to sail into Syria , he purposed to return
through Macedonia .
Jews Act_23_30 /${Jews /laid wait for the man
, I sent straightway to thee , and gave commandment to his
accusers also to say before thee what they had against him .
Farewell .
Jews Act_18_12 /${Jews /made insurrection
with one accord against Paul , and brought him to the judgment
seat ,
Jews Joh_07_15 /${Jews /marvelled , saying ,
How knoweth this man letters , having never learned ?
Jews Act_25_08 /${Jews /neither against the
temple , nor yet against Caesar , have I offended any thing at
all .
Jews Est_09_28 /^{Jews /nor the memorial of
them perish from their seed .
Jews 1Co_10_32 /${Jews /nor to the Gentiles ,
nor to the church of God :
Jews Neh_02_16 /^{Jews /nor to the priests ,
nor to the nobles , nor to the rulers , nor to the rest that did
the work .
Jews Joh_11_08 /${Jews /of late sought to
stone thee ; and goest thou thither again ?
Jews Est_09_19 /^{Jews /of the villages ,
that dwelt in the unwalled towns , made the fourteenth day of
the month Adar a day of gladness and feasting , and a good day ,
and of sending portions one to another .
Jews Act_17_13 /${Jews /of Thessalonica had
knowledge that the word of God was preached of Paul at Berea ,
they came thither also , and stirred up the people .
Jews Rom_09_24 /${Jews /only , but also of
the Gentiles ?
Jews Act_11_19 /${Jews /only .
Jews Rom_03_29 /${Jews /only ? is he not also
of the Gentiles ? Yes , of the Gentiles also :
Jews 1Co_12_13 /${Jews /or Gentiles , whether
we be bond or free ; and have been all made to drink into one
Spirit .
Jews Est_09_27 /^{Jews /ordained , and took
upon them, and upon their seed , and upon all such as joined
themselves unto them, so as it should not fail , that they would
keep these two days according to their writing , and according
to their appointed time every year ;
Jews Joh_02_13 /${Jews /passover was at hand ,
and Jesus went up to Jerusalem ,
Jews Joh_11_55 /${Jews /passover was nigh at
hand : and many went out of the country up to Jerusalem before
the passover , to purify themselves .
Jews Joh_05_16 /${Jews /persecute Jesus , and
sought to slay him , because he had done these things on the
sabbath day .
Jews Joh_19_42 /${Jews /preparation day; for
the sepulchre was nigh at hand .
Jews Act_19_33 /${Jews /putting him forward .
And Alexander beckoned with the hand , and would have made his
defence unto the people .
Jews Act_18_14 /${Jews /reason would that I
should bear with you :
Jews 1Co_01_22 /${Jews /require a sign , and
the Greeks seek after wisdom :
Jews Est_09_22 /^{Jews /rested from their
enemies , and the month which was turned unto them from sorrow
to joy , and from mourning into a good day : that they should
make them days of feasting and joy , and of sending portions one
to another , and gifts to the poor .
Jews Jer_40_12 /^{Jews /returned out of all
places whither they were driven , and came to the land of Judah ,
to Gedaliah , unto Mizpah , and gathered wine and summer fruits
very much .
Jews Joh_10_24 /${Jews /round about him , and
said unto him , How long dost thou make us to doubt ? If thou be
the Christ , tell us plainly .
Jews Luk_23_37 /${Jews /save thyself .
Jews Act_13_45 /${Jews /saw the multitudes ,
they were filled with envy , and spake against those things
which were spoken by Paul , contradicting and blaspheming .
Jews Joh_01_19 /${Jews /sent priests and
Levites from Jerusalem to ask him , Who art thou ?
Jews Jer_52_30 /^{Jews /seven hundred forty
and five persons : all the persons were four thousand and six
hundred .
Jews Est_08_13 /^{Jews /should be ready
against that day to avenge themselves on their enemies .
Jews Est_09_25 /^{Jews /should return upon
his own head , and that he and his sons should be hanged on the
gallows .
Jews Est_09_06 /^{Jews /slew and destroyed
five hundred men .
Jews Est_09_10 /^{Jews /slew they; but on the
spoil laid they not their hand .
Jews Est_09_05 /^{Jews /smote all their
enemies with the stroke of the sword , and slaughter , and
destruction , and did what they would unto those that hated them.
Jews Joh_07_11 /${Jews /sought him at the
feast , and said , Where is he ?
Jews Joh_05_18 /${Jews /sought the more to
kill him , because he not only had broken the sabbath , but said
also that God was his Father , making himself equal with God .
Jews Joh_07_01 /${Jews /sought to kill him .
Jews Act_28_19 /${Jews /spake against it, I
was constrained to appeal unto Caesar ; not that I had ought to
accuse my nation of .
Jews Act_13_50 /${Jews /stirred up the devout
and honourable women , and the chief men of the city , and
raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas , and expelled them
out of their coasts .
Jews Act_14_02 /${Jews /stirred up the
Gentiles , and made their minds evil affected against the
brethren .
Jews Jer_38_19 /^{Jews /that are fallen to
the Chaldeans , lest they deliver me into their hand , and they
mock me.
Jews Est_04_16 /^{Jews /that are present in
Shushan , and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three
days , night or day : I also and my maidens will fast likewise;
and so will I go in unto the king , which is not according to
the law : and if I perish , I perish .
Jews Neh_01_02 /^{Jews /that had escaped ,
which were left of the captivity , and concerning Jerusalem .
Jews Neh_13_23 /^{Jews /that had married
wives of Ashdod , of Ammon , and of Moab :
Jews Joh_18_14 /${Jews /that it was expedient
that one man should die for the people .
Jews Joh_05_15 /${Jews /that it was Jesus ,
which had made him whole .
Jews Act_18_05 /${Jews /that Jesus was Christ
Jews Jer_32_12 /^{Jews /that sat in the court
of the prison .
Jews Ezr_05_05 /^{Jews /that they could not
cause them to cease , till the matter came to Darius : and then
they returned answer by letter concerning this matter.
Jews Est_09_18 /^{Jews /that were at Shushan
assembled together on the thirteenth day thereof, and on the
fourteenth thereof; and on the fifteenth day of the same they
rested , and made it a day of feasting and gladness .
Jews Est_09_20 /^{Jews /that were in all the
provinces of the king Ahasuerus , both nigh and far ,
Jews Ezr_05_01 /^{Jews /that were in Judah
and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel , even unto them.
Jews Jer_40_11 /^{Jews /that were in Moab ,
and among the Ammonites , and in Edom , and that were in all the
countries , heard that the king of Babylon had left a remnant of
Judah , and that he had set over them Gedaliah the son of Ahikam
the son of Shaphan ;
Jews Est_09_15 /^{Jews /that were in Shushan
gathered themselves together on the fourteenth day also of the
month Adar , and slew three hundred men at Shushan ; but on the
prey they laid not their hand .
Jews Est_09_16 /^{Jews /that were in the
king's provinces gathered themselves together , and stood for
their lives , and had rest from their enemies , and slew of
their foes seventy and five thousand , but they laid not their
hands on the prey ,
Jews Est_03_06 /^{Jews /that were throughout
the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus , even the people of Mordecai .
Jews Jer_41_03 /^{Jews /that were with him,
even with Gedaliah , at Mizpah , and the Chaldeans that were
found there, and the men of war .
Jews Joh_06_41 /${Jews /then murmured at him ,
because he said , I am the bread which came down from heaven .
Jews Joh_11_31 /${Jews /then which were with
her in the house , and comforted her , when they saw Mary , that
she rose up hastily and went out , followed her , saying , She
goeth unto the grave to weep there .
Jews Act_21_20 /${Jews /there are which
believe ; and they are all zealous of the law :
Jews Joh_19_31 /${Jews /therefore , because
it was the preparation , that the bodies should not remain upon
the cross on the sabbath day , an high day , besought Pilate
that their legs might be broken , and that they might be taken
away .
Jews Joh_12_09 /${Jews /therefore knew that
he was there : and they came not for Jesus sake only , but that
they might see Lazarus also , whom he had raised from the dead .
Jews Joh_18_31 /${Jews /therefore said unto
him , It is not lawful for us to put any man to death :
Jews Joh_05_10 /${Jews /therefore said unto
him that was cured , It is the sabbath day : it is not lawful
for thee to carry thy bed .
Jews Joh_06_52 /${Jews /therefore strove
among themselves , saying , How can this man give us his flesh
to eat ?
Jews Neh_06_06 /^{Jews /think to rebel : for
which cause thou buildest the wall , that thou mayest be their
king , according to these words .
Jews Act_24_05 /${Jews /throughout the world ,
and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes :
Jews Act_18_02 /${Jews /to depart from Rome :
and came unto them .
Jews Est_09_24 /^{Jews /to destroy them, and
had cast Pur , that is, the lot , to consume them, and to
destroy them;
Jews Est_04_07 /^{Jews /to destroy them.
Jews Joh_19_21 /${Jews /to Pilate , Write not
, The King of the Jews ; but that he said , I am King of the
Jews .
Jews Est_09_30 /^{Jews /to the hundred twenty
and seven provinces of the kingdom of Ahasuerus , with words of
peace and truth ,
Jews 1Co_09_20 /${Jews /to them that are
under the law , as under the law , that I might gain them that
are under the law ;
Jews Act_28_17 /${Jews /together : and when
they were come together , he said unto them , Men and brethren ,
though I have committed nothing against the people , or customs
of our fathers , yet was I delivered prisoner from Jerusalem
into the hands of the Romans .
Jews Act_09_23 /${Jews /took counsel to kill
him :
Jews Joh_18_12 /${Jews /took Jesus , and
bound him ,
Jews Joh_10_31 /${Jews /took up stones again
to stone him .
Jews Est_09_23 /^{Jews /undertook to do as
they had begun , and as Mordecai had written unto them;
Jews Mat_28_15 /${Jews /until this day .
Jews Joh_08_52 /${Jews /unto him , Now we
know that thou hast a devil . Abraham is dead , and the prophets
; and thou sayest , If a man keep my saying , he shall never
taste of death .
Jews Joh_08_57 /${Jews /unto him , Thou art
not yet fifty years old , and hast thou seen Abraham ?
Jews Joh_06_04 /${Jews /was nigh .
Jews Act_10_22 /${Jews /was warned from God
by an holy angel to send for thee into his house , and to hear
words of thee .
Jews Joh_12_11 /${Jews /went away , and
believed on Jesus .
Jews Act_13_42 /${Jews /were gone out of the
synagogue , the Gentiles besought that these words might be
preached to them the next sabbath .
Jews Act_26_03 /${Jews /wherefore I beseech
thee to hear me patiently .
Jews Act_21_21 /${Jews /which are among the
Gentiles to forsake Moses , saying that they ought not to
circumcise their children , neither to walk after the customs .
Jews Jer_40_15 /^{Jews /which are gathered
unto thee should be scattered , and the remnant in Judah perish ?
Jews Est_08_05 /^{Jews /which are in all the
king's provinces :
Jews Est_09_13 /^{Jews /which are in Shushan
to do to morrow also according unto this day's decree , and let
Haman's ten sons be hanged upon the gallows .
Jews Act_17_05 /${Jews /which believed not ,
moved with envy , took unto them certain lewd fellows of the
baser sort , and gathered a company , and set all the city on an
uproar , and assaulted the house of Jason , and sought to bring
them out to the people .
Jews Joh_08_31 /${Jews /which believed on him
, If ye continue in my word , then are ye my disciples indeed ;
Jews Act_25_07 /${Jews /which came down from
Jerusalem stood round about , and laid many and grievous
complaints against Paul , which they could not prove .
Jews Joh_11_45 /${Jews /which came to Mary ,
and had seen the things which Jesus did , believed on him .
Jews Ezr_04_12 /^{Jews /which came up from
thee to us are come unto Jerusalem , building the rebellious and
the bad city , and have set up the walls thereof, and joined the
foundations .
Jews Jer_44_01 /^{Jews /which dwell in the
land of Egypt , which dwell at Migdol , and at Tahpanhes , and
at Noph , and in the country of Pathros , saying ,
Jews Act_09_22 /${Jews /which dwelt at
Damascus , proving that this is very Christ .
Jews Neh_04_12 /^{Jews /which dwelt by them
came , they said unto us ten times , From all places whence ye
shall return unto us they will be upon you.
Jews Act_22_12 /${Jews /which dwelt there,
Jews Est_08_11 /^{Jews /which were in every
city to gather themselves together , and to stand for their life
, to destroy , to slay , and to cause to perish , all the power
of the people and province that would assault them, both little
ones and women , and to take the spoil of them for a prey ,
Jews Act_16_03 /${Jews /which were in those
quarters : for they knew all that his father was a Greek .
Jews Act_21_27 /${Jews /which were of Asia ,
when they saw him in the temple , stirred up all the people ,
and laid hands on him ,
Jews Neh_05_08 /^{Jews /which were sold unto
the heathen ; and will ye even sell your brethren ? or shall
they be sold unto us? Then held they their peace , and found
nothing to answer.
Jews Joh_13_33 /${Jews /Whither I go , ye
cannot come ; so now I say to you .
Jews Luk_23_51 /${Jews /who also himself
waited for the kingdom of God .
Jews Dan_03_12 /^{Jews /whom thou hast set
over the affairs of the province of Babylon , Shadrach , Meshach
, and Abednego ; these men , O king , have not regarded thee :
they serve not thy gods , nor worship the golden image which
thou hast set up .
Jews Gal_02_14 /${Jews /why compellest thou
the Gentiles to live as do the Jews ?
Jews Joh_08_22 /${Jews /Will he kill himself
? because he saith , Whither I go , ye cannot come .
Jews Neh_04_02 /^{Jews /will they fortify
themselves? will they sacrifice ? will they make an end in a day
? will they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish
which are burned ?
Jews Act_14_05 /${Jews /with their rulers ,
to use them despitefully , and to stone them ,
Jews' Isa_36_13 /^{Jews' /language , and said ,
Hear ye the words of the great king , the king of Assyria .
Jews' 2Ki_18_28 /^{Jews' /language , and spake ,
saying , Hear the word of the great king , the king of Assyria :
Jews' Neh_13_24 /^{Jews' /language , but
according to the language of each people .
Jews' Isa_36_11 /^{Jews' /language , in the
ears of the people that are on the wall .
Jews' 2Ki_18_26 /^{Jews' /language in the ears
of the people that are on the wall .
Jews' Gal_01_13 /${Jews' /religion , how that
beyond measure I persecuted the church of God , and wasted it :
Jews' Gal_01_14 /${Jews' /religion above many
my equals in mine own nation , being more exceedingly zealous of
the traditions of my fathers .
Jews' 2Ch_32_18 /^{Jews' /speech unto the
people of Jerusalem that were on the wall , to affright them,
and to trouble them; that they might take the city .