hiel , 1KI , 16:34

ithiel , NE , 11:7

ithiel , PR , 30:1 ,  PR , 30:1

jehiel , 1CH , 9:35 ,  1CH , 11:44 ,  1CH , 15:18 ,  1CH , 15:20

,  1CH , 16:5 ,  1CH , 23:8 ,  1CH , 27:32 ,  1CH , 29:8

jehiel , 2CH , 21:2 ,  2CH , 29:14 ,  2CH , 31:13 ,  2CH , 35:8

jehiel , EZR , 8:9 ,  EZR , 10:2 ,  EZR , 10:21 ,  EZR , 10:26

jehieli , 1CH , 26:21 ,  1CH , 26:22

jekuthiel , 1CH , 4:18

malchiel , 1CH , 7:31

malchiel , GE , 46:17

malchiel , NU , 26:45

malchielites , NU , 26:45

salathiel , 1CH , 3:17

salathiel , LU , 3:27

salathiel , MT , 1:12 ,  MT , 1:12

shield , 1CH , 12:8 ,  1CH , 12:24 ,  1CH , 12:34

shield , 1KI , 10:17

shield , 1SA , 17:7 ,  1SA , 17:41 ,  1SA , 17:45

shield , 2CH , 9:16 ,  2CH , 17:17 ,  2CH , 25:5

shield , 2KI , 19:32

shield , 2SA , 1:21 ,  2SA , 1:21 ,  2SA , 22:3 ,  2SA , 22:36

shield , DE , 33:29

shield , EPH , 6:16

shield , EZE , 23:24 ,  EZE , 27:10 ,  EZE , 38:5

shield , GE , 15:1

shield , ISA , 21:5 ,  ISA , 22:6

shield , JER , 46:3 ,  JER , 46:9

shield , JG , 5:8

shield , JOB , 39:23

shield , NA , 2:3

shield , PR , 30:5

shield , PS , 3:3 ,  PS , 5:12 ,  PS , 18:35 ,  PS , 28:7 ,  PS ,

 33:20 ,  PS , 35:2 ,  PS , 59:11 ,  PS , 76:3 ,  PS , 84:9 ,  

PS , 84:11 ,  PS , 91:4 ,  PS , 115:9 ,  PS , 115:10 ,  PS , 115:

11 ,  PS , 119:114 ,  PS , 144:2

shields , 1CH , 18:7

shields , 1KI , 10:17 ,  1KI , 14:26 ,  1KI , 14:27

shields , 2CH , 9:16 ,  2CH , 11:12 ,  2CH , 12:9 ,  2CH , 12:10

,  2CH , 14:8 ,  2CH , 23:9 ,  2CH , 26:14 ,  2CH , 32:5 ,  2CH ,


shields , 2KI , 11:10

shields , 2SA , 8:7

shields , EZE , 27:11 ,  EZE , 38:4 ,  EZE , 39:9

shields , ISA , 37:33

shields , JER , 51:11

shields , NE , 4:16

shields , PS , 47:9

shields , SOS , 4:4



  Salathiel 4528 # Salathiel {sal-ath-ee-ale'}; of Hebrew origin

[7597]; Salathiel (i.e. Shealtiel), an Israelite: -- {Salathiel}.




 Hiel  Interlinear Index Study

Hiel 1KI 016 034 In his days <03117 +yowm > did {Hiel} <02419

+Chiy>el > the Bethelite <01017 +Beyth ha - >Eliy > build <01129

+banah > Jericho <03405 +Y@riychow > : he laid the foundation

<03245 +yacad > thereof in Abiram <48> his firstborn <01060

+b@kowr > , and set <05324 +natsab > up the gates <01817 +deleth

> thereof in his youngest <06810 +tsa<iyr > [ son ] Segub <07687

+S@guwb > , according to the word <01697 +dabar > of the LORD

<03068 +Y@hovah > , which <00834 +>aher > he spake <01696 +dabar

> by Joshua <03091 +Y@howshuwa< > the son <01121 +ben > of Nun

<05126 +Nuwn > .



 salathiel begat zorobabel                <MAT1  -:12 >

salathiel his son                        <1CH3  -:17 >

- hiel , 2419 ,

- ithiel , 0384 ,

- jehiel , 3171 , 3273 ,

- jekuthiel , 3354 ,

- malchiel , 4439 ,

* salathiel , 4528 ,

- salathiel , 7597 ,

Malchiel  GEN 046 017 And the sons <01121  +ben > of Asher

<00836  +>Asher > ;  Jimnah <03232  +Yimnah > ,  and Ishuah

<03438  +Yishvah > ,  and Isui <03440  +Yishviy > ,  and Beriah

<01283  +B@riy<ah > ,  and Serah <08294  +Serach > their sister

<00269  +>achowth > : and the sons <01121  +ben > of Beriah

<01283  +B@riy<ah > ;  Heber <02268  +Cheber > ,  and {Malchiel}

<04439  +Malkiy>el > .

Malchiel  NUM 026 045 Of the sons <01121  +ben > of Beriah

<01283  +B@riy<ah > : of Heber <02268  +Cheber > ,  the family

<04940  +mishpachah > of the Heberites <02277  +Chebriy > : of

{Malchiel} <04439  +Malkiy>el > ,  the family <04940  

+mishpachah > of the Malchielites <04440  +Malkiy>eliy > .

Malchielites  NUM 026 045 Of the sons <01121  +ben > of Beriah

<01283  +B@riy<ah > : of Heber <02268  +Cheber > ,  the family

<04940  +mishpachah > of the Heberites <02277  +Chebriy > : of

Malchiel <04439  +Malkiy>el > ,  the family <04940  +mishpachah

> of the {Malchielites} <04440  +Malkiy>eliy > .

shield  GEN 015 001 .  After <00310  +>achar > these <00428  

+>el - leh > things <01697  +dabar > the word <01697  +dabar >

of the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah > came <01961  +hayah > unto Abram

<87> in a vision <04236  +machazeh > ,  saying <00559  +>amar > ,

  Fear <03372  +yare> > not ,  Abram <87> : I  [ am ]  thy

{shield} <04043  +magen > ,   [ and ]  thy exceeding <03966  

+m@<od > great <07235  +rabah > reward <07939  +sakar > .

shield  DEU 033 029 Happy <00835  +>esher >  [ art ]  thou ,  O

Israel <03478  +Yisra>el > : who <04310  +miy >  [ is ]  like

<03644  +k@mow > unto thee ,  O people <05971  +<am > saved

<03467  +yasha< > by the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah > ,  the {shield}

<04043  +magen > of thy help <05828  +<ezer > ,  and who <00834  

+>aher >  [ is ]  the sword <02719  +chereb > of thy excellency

<01346  +ga<avah > !  and thine enemies <00341  +>oyeb > shall

be found liars <03584  +kachash > unto thee ;  and thou shalt

tread <01869  +darak > upon their high <01116  +bamah > places .

* salathiel , 4528 Salathiel ,



 salathiel -4528 {salathiel},

shield -2375 {shield},



 hiel -2419 {hiel} ,  

ithiel -0384 {ithiel} ,  

jehiel -3171 {jehiel} ,  

jehiel -3273 {jehiel} , jeiel ,  

jehieli -3172 {jehieli} ,  

jekuthiel -3354 {jekuthiel} ,  

malchiel -4439 {malchiel} ,  

malchielites -4440 {malchielites} ,  

salathiel -7597 {salathiel} , shealtiel ,  

shield -3591 lance , {shield} , spear , target ,  

shield -4043 armed , buckler , bucklers , defence , rulers ,

{shield} , shields ,  

shield -6793 buckler , bucklers , cold , hooks , {shield} ,

shields , target , targets ,  

shields -4043 armed , buckler , bucklers , defence , rulers ,

shield , {shields} ,  

shields -6793 buckler , bucklers , cold , hooks , shield ,

{shields} , target , targets ,  

shields -7982 {shields} ,  



 Hiel 2419 -- Chiy/el -- {Hiel}.

Ithiel 0384 -- /Iythiy/el -- {Ithiel}.

Jehiel 3171 -- Y@chiy/el -- {Jehiel}.

Jehiel 3262 -- Y@\uw/el -- {Jehiel}, Jeiel, Jeuel.

Jehiel 3273 -- Y@\iy/el -- Jeiel, {Jehiel}.

Jehieli 3172 -- Y@chiy/eliy -- {Jehieli}.

Jekuthiel 3354 -- Y@quwthiy/el -- {Jekuthiel}.

Malchiel 4439 -- Malkiy/el -- {Malchiel}.

Malchielite 4440 -- Malkiy/eliy -- {Malchielite}.

Salathiel 4528 ** Salathiel ** {Salathiel}.

Shalthiel 7597 Sh@/altiy/el -- -- {Shalthiel}, Shealtiel.

shield 3591 -- kiydown -- lance, {shield}, spear, target.

shield 4043 -- magen -- X armed, buckler, defence, ruler, +

scale, {shield}.

shield 6793 -- tsinnah -- buckler, cold, hook, {shield}, target.

shield 7982 shelet -- -- {shield}.

shield 2375 ** thureos ** {shield}.



 -Salathiel- ......... and Salathiel 4528 -Salathiel- >

-Salathiel- ......... Salathiel 4528 -Salathiel- >

-Salathiel- ......... which was the son of Salathiel 4528 -

Salathiel- >

Salathiel ......... and Salathiel 4528 -Salathiel->

Salathiel ......... Salathiel 4528 -Salathiel->

Salathiel ......... which was the son of Salathiel 4528 -


shield ......... the shield 2375 -thureos->





 Hiel 2419 ## Chiy>el {khee-ale'}; from 2416 and 410; living of

God; Chiel, an Israelite: -- {Hiel}. [ql

Ithiel 0384 ## >Iythiy>el {eeth-ee-ale'}; perhaps from 837 and

410; God has arrived; Ithiel, the name of an Israelite, also of

a symbolical person: -- {Ithiel}. [ql

Jehiel 3171 ## Y@chiy>el {yekh-ee-ale'}; or (2 Chron. 29:14)

Y@chav>el {yekh-av-ale'}; from 2421 and 410; God will live;

Jechiel (or Jechavel), the name of eight Israelites: -- {Jehiel}.


Jehiel 3262 ## Y@<uw>el {yeh-oo-ale'}; from 3261 and 410;

carried away of God; Jeuel, the name of four Israelites; --

{Jehiel}, Jeiel, Jeuel. Compare 3273. [ql

Jehiel 3273 ## Y@<iy>el {yeh-ee-ale'}; from 326l and 4l0;

carried away of God; Jeiel, the name of six Israelites: -- Jeiel,

 {Jehiel}. Compare 3262. [ql

Jehieli 3172 ## Y@chiy>eliy {yekh-ee-ay-lee'}; patronymically

from 3171; a Jechielite or descendant of Jechiel: -- {Jehieli}.


Jekuthiel 3354 ## Y@quwthiy>el {yek-ooth-ee'-ale}; from the same

as 3348 and 410; obedience of God; Jekuthiel, an Israelite: --

{Jekuthiel}. [ql

Malchiel 4439 ## Malkiy>el {mal-kee-ale'}; from 4428 and 410;

king of (i.e. appointed by) God; Malkiel, an Israelite: --


Malchielite 4440 ## Malkiy>eliy {mal-kee-ay-lee'}; patronymical

from 4439; a Malkielite or descendant of Malkiel: --


Salathiel 4528 # Salathiel {sal-ath-ee-ale'}; of Hebrew origin

[7597]; Salathiel (i.e. Shealtiel), an Israelite: -- {Salathiel}.


Shalthiel 7597 ## Sh@>altiy>el {sheh-al-tee-ale'}; or Shaltiy>el

{shal-tee-ale'}; from 7592 and 410; I have asked God; Shealtiel,

an Israelite: -- {Shalthiel}, Shealtiel.[ql

shield 3591 ## kiydown {kee-dohn'}; from the same as 3589;

properly, something to strike with, i.e . a dart (perhaps

smaller that 2595): -- lance, {shield}, spear, target. [ql

shield 4043 ## magen {maw-gane'}; also (in plural) feminine

m@ginnah {meg-in-naw'}; from 1598; a shield (i.e. the small one

or buckler); figuratively, a protector; also the scaly hide of

the crocodile: -- X armed, buckler, defence, ruler, + scale,


shield 6793 ## tsinnah {tsin-naw'}; feminine of 6791; a hook (as

pointed); also a (large) shield (as if guarding by prickliness);

also cold (as piercing): -- buckler, cold, hook, {shield},


shield 7982 ## shelet {sheh'-let}; from 7980; probably a shield

(as controlling, i.e. protecting the person): -- {shield}.[ql

shield 2375 # thureos {thoo-reh-os'}; from 2374; a large shield

(as door-shaped): -- {shield}.[ql



 Hiel 016 034 IKi                    /^{Hiel /the Bethelite

build Jericho : he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram his

firstborn , and set up the gates thereof in his youngest son

Segub , according to the word of the LORD , which he spake by

Joshua the son of Nun .

Ithiel 030 001 Pro                  /^{Ithiel /and Ucal ,

Ithiel 030 001 Pro                  /^{Ithiel /even unto Ithiel

and Ucal ,

Ithiel 011 007 Neh                  /^{Ithiel /the son of

Jesaiah .

Jehiel 010 026 Ezr                  /^{Jehiel /and Abdi , and

Jeremoth , and Eliah .

Jehiel 031 013 IICh                 /^{Jehiel /and Azaziah , and

Nahath , and Asahel , and Jerimoth , and Jozabad , and Eliel ,

and Ismachiah , and Mahath , and Benaiah , were overseers under

the hand of Cononiah and Shimei his brother , at the commandment

of Hezekiah the king , and Azariah the ruler of the house of God


Jehiel 016 005 ICh                  /^{Jehiel /and Mattithiah ,

and Eliab , and Benaiah , and Obededom : and Jeiel with

psalteries and with harps ; but Asaph made a sound with cymbals ;

Jehiel 029 014 IICh                 /^{Jehiel /and Shimei : and

of the sons of Jeduthun ; Shemaiah , and Uzziel .

Jehiel 015 020 ICh                  /^{Jehiel /and Unni , and

Eliab , and Maaseiah , and Benaiah , with psalteries on Alamoth ;

Jehiel 015 018 ICh                  /^{Jehiel /and Unni , Eliab ,

 and Benaiah , and Maaseiah , and Mattithiah , and Elipheleh ,

and Mikneiah , and Obededom , and Jeiel , the porters .

Jehiel 010 021 Ezr                  /^{Jehiel /and Uzziah .

Jehiel 008 009 Ezr                  /^{Jehiel /and with him two

hundred and eighteen males .

Jehiel 021 002 IICh                 /^{Jehiel /and Zechariah ,

and Azariah , and Michael , and Shephatiah : all these were the

sons of Jehoshaphat king of Israel .

Jehiel 023 008 ICh                  /^{Jehiel /and Zetham , and

Joel , three .

Jehiel 010 002 Ezr                  /^{Jehiel /one of the sons

of Elam , answered and said unto Ezra , We have trespassed

against our God , and have taken strange wives of the people of

the land : yet now there is hope in Israel concerning this thing.

Jehiel 035 008 IICh                 /^{Jehiel /rulers of the

house of God , gave unto the priests for the passover offerings

two thousand and six hundred small cattle, and three hundred

oxen .

Jehiel 029 008 ICh                  /^{Jehiel /the Gershonite .

Jehiel 027 032 ICh                  /^{Jehiel /the son of

Hachmoni was with the king's sons :

Jehiel 011 044 ICh                  /^{Jehiel /the sons of

Hothan the Aroerite ,

Jehiel 009 035 ICh                  /^{Jehiel /whose wife's name

was Maachah :

Jehieli 026 022 ICh                 /^{Jehieli /Zetham , and

Joel his brother , which were over the treasures of the house of

the LORD .

Jekuthiel 004 018 ICh               /^{Jekuthiel /the father of

Zanoah . And these are the sons of Bithiah the daughter of

Pharaoh , which Mered took .

Malchiel 026 045 Num                /^{Malchiel /the family of

the Malchielites .

Malchiel 007 031 ICh                /^{Malchiel /who is the

father of Birzavith .

Salathiel 001 012 Mat               /${Salathiel /and Salathiel

begat Zorobabel ;

Salathiel 001 012 Mat               /${Salathiel /begat

Zorobabel ;

Salathiel 003 017 ICh               /^{Salathiel /his son ,

Salathiel 003 027 Luk               /${Salathiel /which was the

son of Neri ,

shield 035 002 Psa                  /^{shield /and buckler , and

stand up for mine help .

shield 012 008 ICh                  /^{shield /and buckler ,

whose faces were like the faces of lions , and were as swift as

the roes upon the mountains ;

shield 091 004 Psa                  /^{shield /and buckler .

shield 046 003 Jer                  /^{shield /and draw near to

battle .

shield 144 002 Psa                  /^{shield /and he in whom I

trust ; who subdueth my people under me.

shield 038 005 Eze                  /^{shield /and helmet :

shield 027 010 Eze                  /^{shield /and helmet in

thee; they set forth thy comeliness .

shield 023 024 Eze                  /^{shield /and helmet round

about : and I will set judgment before them, and they shall

judge thee according to their judgments .

shield 084 009 Psa                  /^{shield /and look upon the

face of thine anointed .

shield 012 034 ICh                  /^{shield /and spear thirty

and seven thousand .

shield 012 024 ICh                  /^{shield /and spear were

six thousand and eight hundred , ready armed to the war .

shield 022 003 IISa                 /^{shield /and the horn of

my salvation , my high tower , and my refuge , my saviour ; thou

savest me from violence .

shield 009 016 IICh                 /^{shield /And the king put

them in the house of the forest of Lebanon .

shield 010 017 IKi                  /^{shield /and the king put

them in the house of the forest of Lebanon .

shield 046 009 Jer                  /^{shield /and the Lydians ,

that handle and bend the bow .

shield 076 003 Psa                  /^{shield /and the sword ,

and the battle . Selah .

shield 015 001 Gen                  /^{shield /and thy exceeding

great reward .

shield 017 045 ISa                  /^{shield /but I come to

thee in the name of the LORD of hosts , the God of the armies of

Israel , whom thou hast defied .

shield 003 003 Psa                  /^{shield /for me; my glory ,

 and the lifter up of mine head .

shield 119 011 Psa                  /^{shield /I hope in thy

word .

shield 028 007 Psa                  /^{shield /my heart trusted

in him, and I am helped : therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth ;

and with my song will I praise him.

shield 019 032 IIKi                 /^{shield /nor cast a bank

against it.

shield 006 016 Eph                  /${shield /of faith ,

wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the

wicked .

shield 002 003 Nah                  /^{shield /of his mighty men

is made red , the valiant men are in scarlet : the chariots

shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation ,

and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken .

shield 001 021 IISa                 /^{shield /of Saul , as

though he had not been anointed with oil .

shield 001 021 IISa                 /^{shield /of the mighty is

vilely cast away , the shield of Saul , as though he had not

been anointed with oil .

shield 033 029 Deu                  /^{shield /of thy help , and

who is the sword of thy excellency ! and thine enemies shall be

found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high

places .

shield 022 036 IISa                 /^{shield /of thy salvation :

 and thy gentleness hath made me great .

shield 018 035 Psa                  /^{shield /of thy salvation :

 and thy right hand hath holden me up , and thy gentleness hath

made me great .

shield 005 008 Jug                  /^{shield /or spear seen

among forty thousand in Israel ?

shield 084 011 Psa                  /^{shield /the LORD will

give grace and glory : no good thing will he withhold from them

that walk uprightly .

shield 017 017 IICh                 /^{shield /two hundred

thousand .

shield 030 005 Pro                  /^{shield /unto them that

put their trust in him.

shield 017 041 ISa                  /^{shield /went before him.

shield 017 007 ISa                  /^{shield /went before him.

shields 038 004 Eze                 /^{shields /all of them

handling swords :

shields 014 027 IKi                 /^{shields /and committed

them unto the hands of the chief of the guard , which kept the

door of the king's house .

shields 014 008 IICh                /^{shields /and drew bows ,

two hundred and fourscore thousand : all these were mighty men

of valour .

shields 032 027 IICh                /^{shields /and for all

manner of pleasant jewels ;

shields 026 014 IICh                /^{shields /and spears , and

helmets , and habergeons , and bows , and slings to cast stones .

shields 011 012 IICh                /^{shields /and spears , and

made them exceeding strong , having Judah and Benjamin on his


shields 004 016 Neh                 /^{shields /and the bows ,

and the habergeons ; and the rulers were behind all the house of

Judah .

shields 039 009 Eze                 /^{shields /and the bucklers

, the bows and the arrows , and the handstaves , and the spears ,

 and they shall burn them with fire seven years :

shields 032 005 IICh                /^{shields /in abundance .

shields 009 016 IICh                /^{shields /made he of

beaten gold : three hundred shekels of gold went to one shield .

And the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon .

shields 037 033 Isa                 /^{shields /nor cast a bank

against it.

shields 010 017 IKi                 /^{shields /of beaten gold ;

three pound of gold went to one shield : and the king put them

in the house of the forest of Lebanon .

shields 012 010 IICh                /^{shields /of brass , and

committed them to the hands of the chief of the guard , that

kept the entrance of the king's house .

shields 008 007 IISa                /^{shields /of gold that

were on the servants of Hadadezer , and brought them to

Jerusalem .

shields 018 007 ICh                 /^{shields /of gold that

were on the servants of Hadarezer , and brought them to

Jerusalem .

shields 012 009 IICh                /^{shields /of gold which

Solomon had made .

shields 014 026 IKi                 /^{shields /of gold which

Solomon had made .

shields 004 004 Son                 /^{shields /of mighty men .

shields 047 009 Psa                 /^{shields /of the earth

belong unto God : he is greatly exalted .

shields 023 009 IICh                /^{shields /that had been

king David's , which were in the house of God .

shields 011 010 IIKi                /^{shields /that were in the

temple of the LORD .

shields 051 011 Jer                 /^{shields /the LORD hath

raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes : for his device

is against Babylon , to destroy it; because it is the vengeance

of the LORD , the vengeance of his temple .

shields 027 011 Eze                 /^{shields /upon thy walls

round about ; they have made thy beauty perfect .





 hiel <1KI16 -34> In his days did {Hiel} the Bethelite build

Jericho: he laid the foundation thereof in Abiram his firstborn,

and set up the gates thereof in his youngest [son] Segub,

according to the word of the LORD, which he spake by Joshua the

son of N


