Malchiel  GEN 046 017 And the sons <01121  +ben > of Asher

<00836  +>Asher > ;  Jimnah <03232  +Yimnah > ,  and Ishuah

<03438  +Yishvah > ,  and Isui <03440  +Yishviy > ,  and Beriah

<01283  +B@riy<ah > ,  and Serah <08294  +Serach > their sister

<00269  +>achowth > : and the sons <01121  +ben > of Beriah

<01283  +B@riy<ah > ;  Heber <02268  +Cheber > ,  and {Malchiel}

<04439  +Malkiy>el > .

Malchiel  NUM 026 045 Of the sons <01121  +ben > of Beriah

<01283  +B@riy<ah > : of Heber <02268  +Cheber > ,  the family

<04940  +mishpachah > of the Heberites <02277  +Chebriy > : of

{Malchiel} <04439  +Malkiy>el > ,  the family <04940  

+mishpachah > of the Malchielites <04440  +Malkiy>eliy > .

Malchielites  NUM 026 045 Of the sons <01121  +ben > of Beriah

<01283  +B@riy<ah > : of Heber <02268  +Cheber > ,  the family

<04940  +mishpachah > of the Heberites <02277  +Chebriy > : of

Malchiel <04439  +Malkiy>el > ,  the family <04940  +mishpachah

> of the {Malchielites} <04440  +Malkiy>eliy > .

shield  GEN 015 001 .  After <00310  +>achar > these <00428  

+>el - leh > things <01697  +dabar > the word <01697  +dabar >

of the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah > came <01961  +hayah > unto Abram

<87> in a vision <04236  +machazeh > ,  saying <00559  +>amar > ,

  Fear <03372  +yare> > not ,  Abram <87> : I  [ am ]  thy

{shield} <04043  +magen > ,   [ and ]  thy exceeding <03966  

+m@<od > great <07235  +rabah > reward <07939  +sakar > .

shield  DEU 033 029 Happy <00835  +>esher >  [ art ]  thou ,  O

Israel <03478  +Yisra>el > : who <04310  +miy >  [ is ]  like

<03644  +k@mow > unto thee ,  O people <05971  +<am > saved

<03467  +yasha< > by the LORD <03068  +Y@hovah > ,  the {shield}

<04043  +magen > of thy help <05828  +<ezer > ,  and who <00834  

+>aher >  [ is ]  the sword <02719  +chereb > of thy excellency

<01346  +ga<avah > !  and thine enemies <00341  +>oyeb > shall

be found liars <03584  +kachash > unto thee ;  and thou shalt

tread <01869  +darak > upon their high <01116  +bamah > places .
