hamutal , 2KI , 23:31 ,  2KI , 24:18

hamutal , JER , 52:1






 Hamutal  Interlinear Index Study

Hamutal JER 052 001 . Zedekiah <06667 +Tsidqiyah > [ was ] one

<00259 +>echad > and twenty <06242 +<esriym > years <08141

+shaneh > old <01121 +ben > when he began to reign <04427 +malak

> , and he reigned <04427 +malak > eleven years <08141 +shaneh >

in Jerusalem <03389 +Y@ruwshalaim > . And his mother s <00517

+>em > name <08034 +shem > [ was ] {Hamutal} <02537 +Chamuwtal >

the daughter <01323 +bath > of Jeremiah <03414 +Yirm@yah > of

Libnah <03841 +Libnah > .



 - hamutal , 2537 ,





 hamutal -2537 {hamutal} ,  



 Hamutal 2537 -- Chamuwtal -- {Hamutal}.







 Hamutal 2537 ## Chamuwtal {kham-oo-tal'}; or Chamiytal {kham-ee-

tal'}; from 2524 and 2919; father-in-law of dew; Chamutal or

Chamital, an Israelitess: -- {Hamutal}. [ql



 Hamutal 052 001 Jer                 /^{Hamutal /the daughter of

Jeremiah of Libnah .

Hamutal 023 031 IIKi                /^{Hamutal /the daughter of

Jeremiah of Libnah .

Hamutal 024 018 IIKi                /^{Hamutal /the daughter of

Jeremiah of Libnah .





 hamutal <2KI23 -31> Jehoahaz [was] twenty and three years old

when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem.

 And his mother's name [was] {Hamutal}, the daughter of Jeremiah

of Libnah.

hamutal <2KI24 -18> Zedekiah [was] twenty and one years old when

he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And

his mother's name [was] {Hamutal}, the daughter of Jeremiah of


hamutal <JER52 -1> Zedekiah [was] one and twenty years old when

he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And

his mother's name [was] {Hamutal} the daughter of Jeremiah of


