halt Interlinear Index Study halt 1KI 018 021 . And Elijah <00452 +>Eliyah > came <05066 +nagash > unto all <03605 +kol > the people <05971 + , and said <00559 +>amar > , How <05704 + long <05704 + {halt} <06452 +pacach > ye between <05921 + two <08147 +sh@nayim > opinions <05587 +ca ? if <00518 +>im > the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > [ be ] God <00430 +>elohiym > , follow him : but if <00518 +>im > Baal <01168 +Ba , [ then ] follow him . And the people <05971 + answered <06030 + him not a word <01697 +dabar > . halt PSA 038 017 For I [ am ] ready <03559 +kuwn > to {halt} <06761 +tsela< > , and my sorrow <4341mak>ob > [ is ] continually <08548 +tamiyd > before <05048 +neged > me . halt MAT 018 008 Wherefore <1161 -de -> if <1487 -ei -> thy hand <5495 -cheir -> or <2228 -e -> thy foot <4228 -pous -> offend <4624 -skandalizo -> thee , cut <1581 -ekkopto -> them off <1581 -ekkopto -> , and cast <0906 -ballo -> [ them ] from thee : it is better <2570 -kalos -> for thee to enter <1525 -eiserchomai - > into <1519 -eis -> life <2222 -zoe -> {halt} <5560 -cholos -> or <2228 -e -> maimed <2948 -kullos -> , rather <2228 -e -> than <2228 -e -> having <2192 -echo -> two <1417 -duo -> hands <5495 - cheir -> or <2228 -e -> two <1417 -duo -> feet <4228 -pous -> to be cast <0906 -ballo -> into <1519 -eis -> everlasting <0166 - aionios -> fire <4442 -pur -> . halt MAR 009 045 And if <1437 -ean -> thy foot <4228 -pous -> offend <4624 -skandalizo -> thee , cut <0609 -apokopto -> it off <0609 -apokopto -> : it is better <2570 -kalos -> for thee to enter <1525 -eiserchomai -> {halt} <5560 -cholos -> into <1519 - eis -> life <2222 -zoe -> , than <2228 -e -> having <2192 -echo - > two <1417 -duo -> feet <4228 -pous -> to be cast <0906 -ballo - > into <1519 -eis -> hell <1067 -geena -> , into <1519 -eis -> the fire <4442 -pur -> that never <3756 -ou -> shall be quenched <0762 -asbestos -> : halt LUK 014 021 So 2532 -kai - that servant 1401 -doulos - came 3854 -paraginomai - , and shewed LUK 0518 -apaggello - his lord 2962 -kurios - these 5023 -tauta - things . Then 5119 -tote - the master 3617 -oikodespotes - of the house 3617 -oikodespotes - being angry 3710 -orgizo - said 2036 -epo - to his servant 1401 -doulos - , Go 1831 -exerchomai - out quickly 5030 -tacheos - into 1519 -eis - the streets 4113 -plateia - and lanes 4505 - rhume - of the city 4172 -polis - , and bring 1521 -eisago - in hither 5602 -hode - the poor 4434 -ptochos - , and the maimed LUK 0376 -anaperos - , and the {halt} 5560 -cholos - , and the blind 5185 -tuphlos - . halt JOH 005 003 In these <5025 -tautais -> lay <2621 - katakeimai -> a great <4183 -polus -> multitude <4128 -plethos - > of impotent <0770 -astheneo -> folk , of blind <5185 -tuphlos - > , {halt} <5560 -cholos -> , withered <3584 -xeros -> , waiting <1551 -ekdechomai -> for the moving <2796 -kinesis -> of the water <5204 -hudor -> . ~~~~~~