gulf , LU , 16:26 ~~~~~~ gulf 5490 # chasma {khas'-mah}; from a form of an obsolete prim chao (to "gape" or "yawn"); a "chasm" or vacancy (impassable interval): -- {gulf}.[ql ~~~~~~ gulf Interlinear Index Study gulf LUK 016 026 And beside 1909 -epi - all 3956 -pas - this 5125 -toutois - , between 3342 -metaxu - us and you there is a great 3173 -megas - {gulf} 5490 -chasma - fixed 4741 -sterizo - : so 3704 -hopos - that they which would 2309 -thelo - pass 1224 - diabaino - from hence 1782 -enteuthen - to you cannot 1410 - dunamai - ; neither 3366 -mede - can 1410 -dunamai - they pass 1276 -diaperao - to us , that [ would come ] from thence 1564 - ekeithen - . ~~~~~~ great gulf fixed ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ gulf 5490 ** chasma ** {gulf}. ~~~~~~ gulf ......... gulf 5490 -chasma-> ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ gulf 5490 # chasma {khas'-mah}; from a form of an obsolete prim chao (to "gape" or "yawn"); a "chasm" or vacancy (impassable interval): -- {gulf}.[ql ~~~~~~ gulf 016 026 Luk /${gulf /fixed : so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot ; neither can they pass to us , that would come from thence . ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ gulf And beside all this, between us and you there is a great {gulf} fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come] from thence. ~~~~~~