children's Mat_15_26 /${children's /bread , and to cast it to dogs . children's Mar_07_27 /${children's /bread , and to cast it unto the dogs . children's Psa_128_06 /^{children's /children , and peace upon Israel . children's Gen_45_10 /^{children's /children , and thy flocks , and thy herds , and all that thou hast: children's Deu_04_25 /^{children's /children , and ye shall have remained long in the land , and shall corrupt yourselves, and make a graven image , or the likeness of any thing, and shall do evil in the sight of the LORD thy God , to provoke him to anger : children's Pro_13_22 /^{children's /children : and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just . children's 2Ki_17_41 /^{children's /children : as did their fathers , so do they unto this day . children's Psa_103_17 /^{children's /children ; Children's Pro_17_06 /^{Children's /children are the crown of old men ; and the glory of children are their fathers . children's Eze_37_25 /^{children's /children for ever : and my servant David shall be their prince for ever . children's Jer_02_09 /^{children's /children will I plead . children's Exo_34_07 /^{children's /children, unto the third and to the fourth generation. children's Mar_07_28 /${children's /crumbs . children's Jos_14_09 /^{children's /for ever , because thou hast wholly followed the LORD my God . children's Gen_31_16 /^{children's /now then, whatsoever God hath said unto thee, do . children's Exo_09_04 /^{children's /of Israel . children's Job_19_17 /^{children's /sake of mine own body . children's Jer_31_29 /^{children's /teeth are set on edge . children's Eze_18_02 /^{children's /teeth are set on edge ? ~~~~~~