brimstone Psa_11_06 /^{brimstone /and an horrible tempest : this shall be the portion of their cup . brimstone Gen_19_24 /^{brimstone /and fire from the LORD out of heaven ; brimstone Deu_29_23 /^{brimstone /and salt , and burning , that it is not sown , nor beareth , nor any grass groweth therein, like the overthrow of Sodom , and Gomorrah , Admah , and Zeboim , which the LORD overthrew in his anger , and in his wrath : brimstone Rev_09_17 /${brimstone /and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions ; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone . brimstone Isa_34_09 /^{brimstone /and the land thereof shall become burning pitch . brimstone Isa_30_33 /^{brimstone /doth kindle it. brimstone Luk_17_29 /${brimstone /from heaven , and destroyed them all . brimstone Rev_14_10 /${brimstone /in the presence of the holy angels , and in the presence of the Lamb : brimstone Job_18_15 /^{brimstone /shall be scattered upon his habitation . brimstone Rev_20_10 /${brimstone /where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever . brimstone Rev_21_08 /${brimstone /which is the second death . brimstone Rev_09_18 /${brimstone /which issued out of their mouths . ~~~~~~