all his bowels gushed out fill thy bowels with this roll for her bowels yearned upon her son <1KI3 -:26 > for his bowels did yearn upon his brother his bowels fell out by reason <2CH21 -:19 > his bowels is turned his bowels with an incurable disease <2CH21 -:18 > my bowels are troubled my bowels are troubled my bowels boiled my bowels were moved for him people shall be separated from thy bowels shed out his bowels <2SA20 -:10 > shutteth up his bowels <1JO3 -:17 > so let it come into his bowels like water therefore my bowels are troubled for him thine own bowels shall be thine heir thy bowels <2CH21 -:15 > thy bowels <2SA7 -:12 > thy bowels thy bowels like until thy bowels fall out by reason <2CH21 -:15 > wherefore my bowels shall sound like an harp for moab  ~~~~~~