bow 4781 # sugkampto {soong-kamp'-to}; from 4862 and 2578; to bend together, i.e. (figuratively) to afflict: -- {bow} down.[ql down 2955 # kupto {koop'-to}; probably from the base of 2949; to bend forward: -- stoop ({down}).[ql down 4781 # sugkampto {soong-kamp'-to}; from 4862 and 2578; to bend together, i.e. (figuratively) to afflict: -- bow {down}.[ql down 3879 # parakupto {par-ak-oop'-to}; from 3844 and 2955; to bend beside, i.e. lean over (so as to peer within): -- look (into), stoop {down}.[ql into 3879 # parakupto {par-ak-oop'-to}; from 3844 and 2955; to bend beside, i.e. lean over (so as to peer within): -- look ({into}), stoop down.[ql look 3879 # parakupto {par-ak-oop'-to}; from 3844 and 2955; to bend beside, i.e. lean over (so as to peer within): -- {look} (into), stoop down.[ql stoop 2955 # kupto {koop'-to}; probably from the base of 2949; to bend forward: -- {stoop} (down).[ql stoop 3879 # parakupto {par-ak-oop'-to}; from 3844 and 2955; to bend beside, i.e. lean over (so as to peer within): -- look (into), {stoop} down.[ql ~~~~~~